Monday, May 21, 2012

Journey to Topaz

If you had ten days to evacuate your home and could take only possessions that you could carry
in two suitcases, what would you take and why? What would you do with the possessions that you
had to leave behind?


Eddie said...

I would take my clothes, a yo-yo, a few books cards, And maybe my ds. I would have to leave my dog, furniture, my bed, And everything bigger than a backpack, which is a lot.

Joey said...

I would bring my blanket, money, a pencil and journal, and a lot of clothes. these items are essential of everyday life. with all the stuff i left, i would donate it or sell it.

Anshul said...

I would take my clothes, bandanna, and money for survival. Also, I would take all my leftover Halloween candy so I could eat it at the camp. So I wouldn't get bored, I'd take my DS and books. All the stuff I wouldn't take, like my bed, video games, and other things, I would sell.

Thomas said...

i would bring things that comfort me and also playful games so i will acully have some fun while im at the camp.

Ethan Ko said...

If I had ten days to pack, I would bring a picture of all the pets, friends, and all the people I knew, so I could remember them. I would also bring food, my phone, a Swiss Army knife, which I will use in dire situations. I would also bring a lot of warm clothes(duh) so I could be prepared for anything. I would also bring a notepad , all of my favorite pens and pencils, and a take-along game center for entertainment. I will bring lots of books, and textbooks, so I could keep up with education. Lastly, I would bring a snug mattress and snug blankets.

Jiwoo said...

I would carry my clothes-unless my family will take care of that. I would bring my most prized possesions in case the soldiers go to the house and steal them. I would bring my favorite books like Tom Sawyer. I may also bring some snacks in case my family gets hungry.

Sruthi :) said...

If I had to evacuate my home in ten days i would take clothes, a diary, one toy, and pots and pans for cooking. I would take the clothes and pots and pans because they are essential needs. I would take the toy for play and amusement and the diary to write about the evacuation, where I was going, and how life was there. With the things I had to leave behind I would either give them to a friend for safekeeping, donate, or sell.

Chloe:) said...

If i had to evacuate my house in ten days, I would bring my blanket, Blankie. She was my first toy, and I got her two days after I was born.I would also bring my bedding and my pillow, because I am allergic to feather bedding. Of course, I need books, so I would pack the longest books I could find. Also, I would pack my journals to write in, and bars and candy and fruit in case I got hungry. That is what I would bring.

Jamie said...

I would take clothes, one toy, a journal, pens and pencils, a pencil sharpener and lead, a few favorite books, my DSi, my DSi charger(just in case if they have a power outlet), my violin (i'll just carry it), a thermos or water bottle, some snacks, tissue paper, and blankets. I also would get a plastic empty ball with a door and put one or two of my fish in there with water and then smuggle it in with fish food. I would take clothes, thermos or water bottle, blankets, some snacks, and tissue paper for survival. The toy, DSi, and DSi charger are for amusement so I won't get bored. The violin and favorite books are also for amusement, but also for education. The journal, pens and pencils, pencil sharpener, and lead are for recording what happens, for doodling, writing letters, and for amusement (again). Finally, for the fish portable tank and fish food, it's so that I have a companion, not be lonely, and for amusement. As for what I have to leave behind, I would either sell them in a yard sale, donate it to Salvation Army, or leave them with a friend to keep it safe.

Lawton said...

If i had ten days to pack, i would carry food, my clothes for sure, my blanket, books, toys, valuable stuff and other. I would also take my entertainment stuff like my video games, cards, iPod. The stuff my family leaves behind would be sold to other people for money.

Julia said...

If I had ten days to pack I would bring clothes, a few note books(to write what happened and mythoughts), a big book to read (to keep my self occupied), pictures, my 3DS(to keep my self occupied), , my DSi(to keep my self occupied), my Ds(to keep my self occupied), some toys(to keep my self occupied), a huge bunch of my favorite foods, blankets, all of my money, and my glasses (to see!. I would have to give my dogs to my cousins, leave a lot of my toys to friends, plus I pretty much would leave my entire life behind!!!!! Which I really wish that wouldn't happen to me!!!!!

Michael said...

I would take my clothes, some money, books, some candy, a notebook, some, wood, and a Nintendo DS. I would leave behind my table, chairs, beds, the piano, and the TV to sell.

emily said...

If I had 10 days to pack, I would bring some food if I ever get hungry, as much money as I can get, some warm clothes, blankets, and something that will entertain me for a little while. I would give some of the other things to my friends.

Justin XD said...

If I had ten days to pack I would bring a Toothbrush, Book, Blankets, Warm Clothes, A Swiss army knife, and some money. If I have enough space I would bring a Photo Album, my pencils, a pen, a notebook, and my DS

Anika #21 said...

If I had 10 days to evacuate and could carry 2 suitcases, I would take 1 suitcase with all my clothes, blankets, sheets and pillow. The other suitcase will include food, water, some travel dishes, my diary and any money I have at home. I would also take photos of my family, pets and friends. Some important things I will take along are a knife, a flashlight, camera, and some medicines.
The things that are left behind, I would give to my family and close friends. After I sell some items, I will give the rest to charity.

Zachary Li said...

If I had ten days to pack, I would bring;a bandana, for dust storms, some food just in case they served you too little at camp, a journal to write or draw in just in case I'm bored, a picture of our house just to remind myself about all the fun times I had, and finally bring a few puzzles or books to get something to do for fun. I would give the items I can't pack to close friends and sell it at a yard sale. If there are still items left, I will give them to charity

Christin said...

If I had 10 days to pack I would pack the following. I would bring warm clothes, a toy, pencil, note book, electric pan, bedding such as my blankets, a pillow, sheets, my phone, my i-pad 2 and 3, books, money and some few other things. I would sell or give away the rest. I might have tried to sneak my dog into the camp since there would be tons of people maybe no one will notice.

Andrew :o :( said...

if i had to evacuate in ten days, i would take my DS, a book, some food, a blanket, 3 water bottles, and a blanket and mattress.

Amy said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my house, I would bring a pillow, a blanket, some money, some food, a journal, some envelopes and stamps, a flashlight or knife,a couple pencils or pens and clothes. I would bring the blanket, clothes, and pillow for warmth and comfort. I would bring the money for survival and the food in case my family or I was hungry. The journal, stamps,and envelopes would be for writing each daily event in and for writing to my close family and friends. The things I would have to leave behind would be my bed, any valuables, computers, furniture, and many other large objects. I would probably sell them or give it to a close family member or friend to keep it safe.

Eric said...

If I had ten days would take clothes, blankets and a pillow in the 1st suitcase. In the 2nd suit case I would put food, my phone, an iPad, money, water bottle and some books.

Sophie said...

I would bring most of my clothes and my tooth brush because they are basic necessities. In another suitcase I would bring a tiny journal and a pen for writing,an extra pair of shoes, and some of my favorite things like my phone, my computer, a few photos, and a pillow.

jason said...

i would take only essential survival items(clothes,food water etc.) and money.

Tyler :P said...

If I had only ten days to pack two suit cases I would bring my DS, a note book, several pencils, a camra, some toys, tape, an eraser, some books, and my back pack. I would probably sell most of my stuff and give the rest to friends.

Shivani said...

I would pack a little tasty food in case there is gross food, money just in case, medicines, clothes to wear, a knife for protection, a book, notepad and pencil for drawing or notes. I would also bring my tooth brush and blankets. I would give my remaining items to family or friends.

Kaviya Nachiappan said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my home and could only take the possessions that I could carry in two suitcases, I would take in one suitcase some clothes, pillow, blankets, sheets, toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, and a clothe to wash my face.I would bring all my bedding to sleep on,my toothbrush, toothpaste,towels, and a clothe for hygiene, and of course I would bring my clothes to wear. In my other suitcase I would take food, water for hunger and thirst, a few books for entertainment, one toy( also for entertainment),a journal and a pen for writing, a flashlight to see in the night, some money, a knife to cut food or hunt, camera to take pictures, medicines in case I get sick, and my cello( I would just carry it. For the possessions that I had to leave behind I would leave it for my family for safety or sell it.