Monday, March 5, 2012

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?

Which word best describes Paul Revere for you: smart, funny, ambitious, busy, luck, energetic, accomplished, or some other word. Explain your choice using examples from the story.


Justin Sun :) said...

The word that best describes paul revere would probably be busy.He is always running around and leaving doors open and other things like that. His dog even escaped because he was in a hurry and left the door open.

Kaviya Nachiappan said...

Accomplished is the word that best describes Paul Revere for me. I chose the word accomplished because Paul Revere accomplished many things. For example, the one tax England would never give was the tax on tea so Paul Revere Became a leader of the Sons of Liberty, a secret club. On December 16, 1773 he pretended to be an Indian and marched on board the ships hauled the chests of tea-10,000 pounds of it- into Boston Harbor. Also Someone needed to ride to New York and Philadelphia and spread the news so Paul did it. He went from Boston to Cambridge to Watertown to Worcester to Hartford to New York to Philadelphia. As you can see Paul Revere accomplished many things.

Ethan Ko said...

I think Paul Revere is patriotic because he served for the English's military. I also think he is daring because he cut through volleys of bullets to transport a trunk. I also think he is accomplished because he escaped the officers, passed on and warned farmers about the British's attack on their land, and lastly, managed (somehow) to go thought the line of bullets and not get out unhurt.

Anshul said...

I think Paul Revere is forgetful, because he forgot his cloth to cover the oars and his spurs. Also, he is daring and willing to sacrifice himself to do his duty because he got through volleys of bullets to transport a trunk.

Amy said...

I think Paul Revere is dedicated to his life, his family, and to all the jobs he had. Also, I believe that he was very busy. He engraved portraits, produced bookplates, sold pictures, made picture frames, brought hymnbooks, and became a dentist. Plus, he sold sandpaper, playing cards, cloth, sealing wax, fish lines, wallpaper, pencils, and spectacles. The last word I would use to describe Paul Revere would be brave. I thought he was brave to risk his life when he and John carried a trunk even when bullets were fired. Also, I think he was brave to ride along Lexington and Concord to warn citizens and farmers. In addition, he outran the guards on his horse and kept going although he got caught in Concord.

emily said...

I think he is brave, energetic, and patriotic because he rode around warning people and dumped loads of tea so people won't have to pay taxes. He helped in many ways to the Americans and people like John Hancock to move the trunk through a line of bullet fires.

Jamie said...

I think Paul Revere is busy, because he did so many things and mostly was always in a hurry. I also think that he is focused. He focused on bring the trunk to safety and did't care about the gunfire. He is also must be pretty lucky not to to get caught, and chosen as an agent, and not hit by the guns.

Sruthi :) said...

I would describe Paul Revere as very ambitious, busy, and trustworthy. He is busy because he is always doing something like being a silversmith,a dentist, or in the English military in the book. He is ambitious because he has good goals and he takes each little step to accomplish them. He is trustworthy because in the book they depended on him to not let anyone look in the trunk full of important papers, and he did whatever he could to make that happen. Paul Revere was a good man.

Kaviya Nachiappan said...

Accomplished is the word I chose that best describes Paul Revere. I chose the word accomplished because Paul Revere accomplished many things. For example, he escaped officers,and passed on and warned farmers about the British's attack on their land. Paul and some other men also dressed up as Indians and threw chest loads of tea into the Harbor. Paul Revere was also brave to risk his life when he and John carried a trunk even when bullets were fired. Also I believe he was very busy. He sold sandpaper, playing cards, cloth, sealing wax, fish lines, wallpaper, pencils, and spectacles. He engraved portraits, produced bookplates, sold pictures, made picture frames,brought hymnbooks, and became a dentist.

Julia said...

I think the best words to describe Paul Revere is busy and trustworthy , because in the book he always seems to be doing something and just is plain old trustworthy! He also was a silversmith, dentist, carved his own "artificial" teeth, had two wives, and including the babies that died at a young age he had over eleven children. Plus he even has a dog! He is very trustworthy because at the end of this story he kept his promise and delivered the trunk of important papers to safety

Anika said...

Sedulous is the word that describes Paul Revere for me a few of reasons for that is because he is very hard working, and then when he was just a teenager he took over his fathers silversmithing job, later he engraved portraits, produced bookplates, sold pictures, made picture frames, brought out hymnbook, became a dentist, sold
sand paper, playing cards, cloth, sealing wax, fish lines, wall paper, pencils, and spectacles. And he still had time to do other things. That is why I think Paul Revere is sedulous.


Zachary Li said...

I think Paul Revere is brave and patriotic because he served the English military. I think he is brave because he had to dodge a volley of bullets to transport a trunk and somehow managed to get through safely.

Shivani said...

I think Paul Revere is busy. He had to do a lot of work.He made picture frames, engraved portraits, made bookplates, and brought hymnbooks. He sold sandpaper, playing cards, cloth, sealing wax, fish lines, wallpaper, pencils, and spectacles. He even became a dentist. He also had other tasks to complete.

Phoebe said...

I think Paul Revere is busy because he was a sliver smith, a colonial denturist, and rung the church bells at church. Also, he opened a hardware store.

Christin said...

I think that Paul Revere was brave, and busy because he warned the farmers on the land that the British were coming. He was busy because he bought, sold, collected things and he had a job.He was also focused because he only cared to get the trunk to safety and ignore the gun fire.

Chloe:) said...

I think Paul Revere is busy because he sold sandpaper, cloth, fishlines, pencils, cards, and spectacles. Also, he is daring and brave because he managed to carry a trunk through volleys of bullets. Finally, Paul is forgetful, because he forgot the cloth for the oars and the spurs.

Michael said...

I think Paul Revere was brave and busy. He was taking the chance to sacrifice himself when he was carrying the trunk and warned the other patriot people at home that the British was about to attack. He had to ride between towns as an express rider to carry messages. (He was probably too busy to remember the cloth and spurs.) These are the reasons why I think Paul Revere was brave and busy.

Sophie said...

Paul was smart, when he had to carry the chest of tea to safety while English officers were shooting, he just did his job and got it done.
He was smart to not get distracted and carry on with his job. He always kept himself busy by thinking of new careers to pursue.

Lawton Fong said...

I think Paul Revere is a busy man. I also think he is a hard worker. He had basically worked all day. He could of got shot by the police and had escaped from it. He was daring by dodging through bullets while doing such a busy job with another person to transport a trunk and he ended up escaping all the bullets.

Tyler said...

I think that Paul Revere was brave, busy, and famous. He was brave because he went through a firing of bullets just to deliver a chest. I think he was busy because he had several jobs in his life. He was a silver smith, dentist, he rang church bells, and he made the first copper mill in the United states. He was famous because he warned the citizens of Lexington that the British were coming.

Eric said...

Paul Revere was a busy person mostly because he did so many thing in a rush, like when he wrote the letter. He was also patriotic since he served the English military. With the help of John Lowell, the carried the trunk across the battlefield.

Edward said...

I think that I would describe him as a busy sort of guy because he kept on forgetting things and in the beginning of the story, it said that Boston was a busy place and that Paul Revere was one of the busiest of all. He also was very brave because when he was carrying the chest full of papers, there were several guns that fired and he did not turn or run away.

Joey said...

I think Paul Revere is brave because he was still carrying the trunk even though that there were many bullets shot. he had to be brave enough to lead the people throwing the tea overboard.

Anonymous said...

I believe Paul Revere was a very courageous and daring. He was not scared to carry the trunk and went through the line of bullets.

He was also very talented because he kept himself busy in so many jobs. He sold sandpaper, playing cards, sealing wax, fish lines, wallpaper. He was a silversmith, a church bell ringer, and a dentist. He was also a secret agent who spied on the British.
I think he accomplished his jobs.

Harman said...

I think Paul Revere was a very brave person because he went out into the forest by himself and watch for French and Indians. He also carried a trunk in the middle gun shots. These examples make him one of the bravest person I know.

Eddie said...

I think Paul revere was very busy. For instance, when he was just a child, His father died so he had to run the blacksmith shop all by himself. He rung bells and did other things as a child. As he grew up, he joined and lead the sons of liberty to dump tea and and to tell all about It. Later, he had children but his wife died so he had to support his children by himself. I agree with fritz that Paul Revere was very busy.