Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Fear Place

Doug says that his scout troop would have enjoyed the hike. Would you enjoy it? Explain why or why not.


Anshul said...

I would not have enjoyed the hike. I wouldn't have enjoyed the hike because it was on a huge cliff. When I go on a high place, I am always tempted to look down. Once I look down, I start thinking thoughts such as: What if I fall down? How will it feel if I smash into the ground? So, would not have enjoyed the hike.

Sruthi :) said...

Yes, i would've enjoyed he hike because i like adventures. i would have liked all the landscapes and nature surrounding me. I would enjoy the hike a lot!

Amy said...

Yes, I think Doug WOULD have succeeded even if the cougar (Charlie)was not there to guide him. Doug was very determined, smart, cautious, and had a respect for his brother. All those things helped Doug succeed. Last, Charlie may have been intimidating to Doug because he stepped along the canyon very easily. I would have been intimidated. Although Charlie helped Doug in some ways, I think Doug would have succeeded in finding his brother even without his friend's help.

Shivani said...

I wouldn't enjoy the hike because, I don't like hiking mostly because I get tired easily. I would especially be scared to hike where he hiked. Also, i would be terrified to be right behind the cougar. I would not enjoy the hike.

Amy said...

I would have enjoyed the hike because I love hiking and especially climbing. It is one of my favorite things. Another reason I would enjoy the trip is because my dad and I also climbed a canyon. I felt exactly how Doug felt. One step in the wrong direction, and you'd fall into the canyon's walls. Although climbing that canyon was scary, I would still like to go on the hike with Doug.

Anika Seth said...

For some reasons I would like the hike and for some reasons I would not. The reasons I would like the hike are enjoying the view, a new expierence, and I like to try new things. The reasons I would not like the hike are that I don't go hiking often so I don't have that much expeirence, and the trail seems to be really long.

Julia Lim said...

I would like the hike up the mountain, because I liked hiking at sciencecamp. Also doug saw a lot of cool animals I want to see. Plus it looked fun to do in the book.

emily said...

I would like the hike because being in a high elevation thrills me. I think it would be like a adventure and I love adventures

Jiwoo Song said...

I think I would never have enjoyed the hike because one of my worst fears is heights. The risk of falling off at such an altitude freaks me out. Just like Doug, I think I'd make it through the ledge but would have been really scared. However, I would have loved to meet Charlie, the cougar because I never met one.

Joey said...

I would never go on that hike because 1, i am afraid of heights and
2, if i was not afraid, I would look probably down and fall.

Ethan Ko said...

Scaling the fear place would be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Despite my fear of heights, I would love to go hiking in the Fear place. I would take my camera and take photos of the canyon. I also want to meet a real-lived cougar.

Christin Hao said...

Yes, I would have liked it, even if I am afraid of heights it still would be a awesome experience and I personally think it would be very fun

Justin Sun :) said...

I would have not liked the height because I REALLY hate narrow ledges and I always get tired. I am always lagging behind so even if I met Charlie I think he would get annoyed and just ditch me.

Katie Hulme said...

Yes and No, mainly yes because I love hiking. I think hiking is extremely fun especially when you get to the top or where you want to get to. Also, no because I don't like extreme heights. So in conclusion , I would and would not like a hike like what Doug went on.

Zachary said...

I would have enjoyed the hike because I like looking at nature. Taking long hikes is good for your health. I would really hope to go on Doug's trail that he hiked because I like to challenge myself. Also if I can reach the top of the canyon, I would be proud of myself because I have never actually been a few thousand feet on a canyon before.

Michael said...

I think I would have enjoyed the hike. I like animals(besides dogs) and the hikes at science camp were fun. I've been to the Grand Canyon and I didn't fall down. Still I think there's a higher possibility of me falling 600 feet than making it.

Ethan Ko said...

Scaling the fear place would be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Despite my fear of heights, I would love to go hiking in the Fear place. I would take my camera and take photos of the canyon. I also want to meet a real-lived cougar.

Ethan Ko said...

Scaling the fear place would be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Despite my fear of heights, I would love to go hiking in the Fear place. I would take my camera and take photos of the canyon. I also want to meet a real-lived cougar.

Ethan Ko said...

Scaling the fear place would be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Despite my fear of heights, I would love to go hiking in the Fear place. I would take my camera and take photos of the canyon. I also want to meet a real-lived cougar.

edward said...

i probably would have enjoyed it because i like doing things i never done before and it would be fun to go hiking with my friends.

Kaviya said...

I would have enjoyed the hike a lot because I love hiking , climbing , and being outdoors.Even though I would be a little scared I would love the experience on such a high cliff. I also love animals so if I saw one I wouldn't be too scared.I would like to see the view and it would be a new experience.That is why I would enjoy the hike.

Harman said...

I would not have enjoyed the hike because my legs can't stand going on a very steep cliff without sliding too much. Besides, I usually look down a lot, so that might get scared to keep going.

Eric said...

I would probably enjoy the hike. It seem fun and really cool. Plus it will be cool to meet Charlie.

Lawton Fong said...

I would have not enjoyed the hike. I think it is too risky for me. I can not stand narrow things. If I make one mistake, my life is over for the entire future for me. I could get very scared if did this. Plus I am kind of scared of heights.

Phoebe said...

I would enjoy the hike if they made a steel rail for the trail. It would be nice to see the scenery and the wild- life.

Edward said...

I would probably enjoy the hike because I like doing challenging things.It also looked fun and exciting.I've been on other hikes before so it will probably cool to do this one.