Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chapter Three

Chapter three ends with: “And what would his father say?

Should Matt have done something differently? If so, what? Why do you think so?”


Anika Seth said...

I think that Matt should not have let the stranger come into his house because if he did not let the stranger come in then he would not have stolen the gun. But if Matt does not have the gun then he can not hunt for food only make his food.

Chloe said...

I think Matt should have not been so careless and leave his rifle unprotected. He should have kept in his hands or hidden it. Then he wouldn't have to eat all fish.

Jiwoo Song said...

Matt should have known better than let a sly stranger get such precious gun get stolen.That is if only Matt hadn't been such a fool and had been more alert when the stranger was there. Then he would never had to be troubled over eating only fish instead of other animals.

Eddie jung said...

I thought that Matt should not talk to the stranger let alone invite him into the house. Without the gun, Matt could be easily attacked by both human and animal. It also grounds his privellage of hunting.

Julia said...

I think Matt should of not let Ben in the house because he was all ready nervous about ben sohe should not let him in his house once Ben said "Nice self you got there." then Matt said "my father would never sell it."

Shivani said...

I think he should have not let Ben in. Matt doesn't know Ben that well so he shouldn't trust a stranger especially since Ben asked him questions about Matt being alone.

Phoebe said...

I think that Matt should have hidden the gun or not have let the Ben in.

Joey Li said...

I think Matt should have told Ben that they could eat outside and talk about stuff. Matt could have hidden the gun while he was cooking so Ben wouldn't have seen it and stolen it.

emily said...

I think Matt shouldn't have let ben in the house because if he didn.t he could still have had protection and food.

Andrew said...

I think Matt should not have let a
stranger enter his house. He now has to eat fish. He cannot get any more animal meat

Jamie said...

I think Matt should have been more alert, and put his gun in a safe place. When Ben came, he should have been more cautious, and said they could eat outside in the wilderness.
But he didn't, and now he has to eat fish.

Katie:)(: said...

I think Matt shouldn't have let a stranger come into his house. The stranger did seem very nice but you can't trust strangers. If Matt didn't let the stranger in he would still have his gun to hunt, get food and protect him.

Edward #28 Rm#24 said...

I think that Matt should not have let the stranger in or he could have at least held the rifle or hid it while he was asleep.So then the stranger wouldn't have gotten the rifle.

Ethan Ko :) said...

I think Matt shouldn't have let a stranger into his house because he might kill, injure or rob you. Luckily, Ben didn't do any harm except for stealing his rifle. Also, when Ben said,"Mighty fine piece," and "Worth a passel of beaver." Then Matt should have suspected a robber in his house. Now without his gun, and most of his supplies, he is almost hopeless and has to rely on fish for energy.......

Anshul said...

I think Matt should have not let Ben in. Or, if he does let the stranger in, he should not have left the rifle lying around for some guy to take it.

Eric said...

I think Matt should have kept the rifle in a safe place. He shouldn't have let Ben come into his house anyways. His only hope now is fish.

Amy :) said...

I don't think it was a good idea for Matt to let Ben in, even if he did seem nice. But the real problem happened because Matt had let Ben sleep in his cabin when he was not fully watching it. He should have hidden his valuables the second a stranger approached.

Sruthi =) said...

I think Matt shouldn't have let Ben in because he is a stranger, he can't be trusted, and he could have harmed him or stole something else. He should have not been so careless to leave his rifle hanging outside,because anyone could have taken it.

Kaviya said...

I think Matt should have not let Ben in. Ben seemed like he was nice but he also seemed a little suspicious. Now Matt doesn't have much protection and he has to eat lots of fish.

Justin Sun said...

I do not think Matt should have kept the rifle by the door. I think matt should have hid it when Ben was asleep.

Lawton Fong said...

I believe Matt shouldn't have let Ben in. Ben seemed like a nice man, but in truth he was a criminal. It ended up that the rifle was stolen by Ben. Now he only can eat fish and he will soon be bored of eating fish. Also, he won't have an opportunity to eat wild animals.

Destiny Schneider :) said...

I think Matt should not have let ben in. he also should not leave his reffel right by the door. he should have put hi riffel in a better spot were no one but him could find it.

Christin Hao said...

I think that Matt should have not let Ben in because he is a stranger and you don't know what he is up too.

Sophie said...

I think that Matt should have slept with the riffle or hidden it somewhere safe so that Ben wouldn't be able to get it. Maybe if he did this he would have still had the riffle.

Tyler said...

I think Matt shouldn't have let Ben in because Ben could have been a killer. Now Matt has no way to hunt deer or other rodents. Now Matt eats fish.

Harman said...

I think Matt should have kept the rifle in safe custody instead of carelessly leving it unprotected so Ben was tempted to take it. If he had done that, he wouldn't have to eat all fish and be scared at what his father would say.

Zachary said...

I think that Matt should not have let Ben in the cabin because now Matt has lost his weapon to hunt meat and to guard himself. If Matt had not of been so careless, than he would not of have to eat fish or cornbread all day. Finally he also maybe could of let Ben in, but could of had the rifle in his hands.It would not of been polite to not let Ben into cabin.