Thursday, June 2, 2011

Journey to Topaz

If you had ten days to evacuate your home and could take only possessions that you could carry
in two suitcases, what would you take and why? What would you do with the possessions that you
had to leave behind?


Shivaum Rock Star! said...

If I had 10 days to evacuate my home I would take I would take some money, some clean clothes, some healthy food, etc. I woud take these things because I would need food to survive and clothes to keep myself warm and some cash to purchase new things.

Gaurav said...

If I had ten days to evacuate, I would take the thing that were important to survive. I would need blankets, pillows, food to pack, cloths, accessories like watches, and maybe some books. The things I won't need are toys, stuffed animals, board games etc. I would put the things I don't need on sale, or give it to some of my friends. I would be devastated, but I would have to. Some of the not so important things I would just throw away. Maybe, I would give it to charity, because I wouldn't need them. These would be what I would in a crises like this.

Amit said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my home I would bring money, clothes, sleeping supplies etc.

Ben said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my home I would take my family,clean clothes,a mattress,and anything else that is important.I would take these things because if I did not that would not be good.If I had anything I could not bring I would leave my friend to watch over it.

M@TThew Supan said...

If I had ten days to evacuate, i would take clothes,utensils, dried fruit so i won't get scurvy,food that won't spoil,money,blankets. The possessions that i would leave behind would be things that are too heavy to carry like heavy books and toys. I would probably sell it to make money to purchase food and clothing

Ashok said...

If I had ten days to pack I would bring clothes, my pencils, etc. including money.I would take my favorite things that doesn't weigh a lot. The stuff that weigh a lot I will leave behind and let the next people who will live there when my family and I are gone to camp. I will give all the things that are important to me just to survive with the place I have to live in for along time

Ashok said...

If I had ten days to pack I would bring clothes, my pencils, etc. including money.I would take my favorite things that doesn't weigh a lot. The stuff that weigh a lot I will leave behind and let the next people who will live there when my family and I are gone to camp. I will give all the things that are important to me just to survive with the place I have to live in for along time

Crystal said...

I would pack clothes, food, sleeping needs, money,etc. Also i would pack BOOKS.VERY IMPORTANT. I would sell or donate all unnecessary furniture, toys, books (*SNIFFLE*) and all other things.

Andrew Zheng said...

If I had ten days to pack I would bring clothes, money, shampoo, my pin trading collection, books, board games, etc. I need clothes so I won't go around naked, money so I could buy stuff, shampoo so I could properly wash myself, my pin trading collection so it gives me good luck, and books and board games so I could entertain myself. The excreta is for more basic necessities I need for survival.

Alex =P said...

If I had ten days to pack, I would bring clothes,food,my phone to connect with people outside of the camp, and other items that I would need to be ready for anything

Caitlyn :P said...

If I were going to evacuate, like Yuki, I would bring clothes, and many other special things that are important to me. First of all, I would take my bandana full of S.W.A.P.s, because it brings back memories of the Golden Gate Bridging with Girl Scouts around the U.S. I would also take along my favorite book, Everything you Need to Know I Learned from Peanuts, it is very special to me for two reasons. I lve peanuts, and got it from my mom for Valentine's Day. I would also bring my penny passport which hold flattened pennies that I have made at the different National Parks. I would bring my scrapbooks full of pictures(and meemories)And finally my charm bracelet that holds many special things I have done, such as dancing, being in a play, and going to Hawaii. With the things I leave behind I would either donate them, trash them, or give them away. :( Well, I'm not going to any camp antime soon, so I probably won't need to worry about this now.

Kristine said...

If I had 10 days to pack,I would bring some clothes, blankets and pillows, a book, and a one-of-a-kind possession (if I had that). I would try to smuggle my dog into camp, how Yuki tried. But if that didn't work, then I will bring my stuffed animal pug. The book is for entertainment and the pug is to remember my lost pet. what I will do to the possessions I leave behind, I'll probably give to my relatives.

Allyson said...

If I have 10 days to pack, ( why do we all start with "If I have 10 days to pack,"?)I'd pack 14 days of outfits, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, 100 bucks, a bucket, a smaller bucket, shower cap, a water bottle (with water inside), stuff animals, my baby pillow, a regular pillow, my blanket, snacks (lots of them), a towel, a chargeable flashlight, my mom, my dad, my brother, some of my grandma's priceless stuff, a cup, a lot of hand warmers, boots,shoes, sandals, books, a ball, some games, hats, more snacks, and my body (maybe not...). I would bring my soap, bucket, smaller bucket, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, floss, shower cap to do my bathroom stuff. Pillows, blanket, stuff animals, hand warmers,sunscreen, and flashlight to do my sleeping job. Mom, dad, brother, grandma's priceless stuff, maybe 100 bucks are used to cheer me up. Appearance stuff are used for my appearance.The rest are to keep me busy or for eating. The rest will either go to charity, the dumpster, or to my friends to borrow. Well anyways, this mistake won't happen again so why worry right? RIGHT?

Anonymous said...

if i had ten days to evacuate i would pack ten pairs of clothing, tow pillows, tow stuffed animals, a blanket, some paper, deck of cards, my money,and also some food.With the things i left behind would have sold or have a friend take them.But, I would have my neighbors take care of my guinea pigs.


Katrina said...

If I were evacuating my home, I would bring a stuffed animal, my clothes, a book so I wouldn't get bored, my PJ's, a flashlight, an bandanna to keep dust off my face. And I would also bring a water-bottle, my girl-scout vest, a box of matches(in case I need to light a fire, but they might confisticate it, all-well) another flashlight in case my other one broke, and a picture book.(Not the ones you read, but like a book full of pictures of my relatives and family). Most of the things I need for survival, and the other things are for fun.

Alvin Chung said...

If I had to evacuate, I would bring the things that are most important to me and things that i need to survive such as jackets, sweatshirts, T-shirts, long pants, etc. I would also bring holy oil,the holy bible, and the holy cross. I would also bring some stuff to entertain myself like a i Pad or a toy. I would give all the other things to a friend and then when my family and i get back,we would ask for it back. Or my family would go crazy and start destroying all our stuff because we don't want the government to have it. Thats some people did in the Japanese evacuation


Elizabeth Lee :) said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my home, I would bring...
A toothbrush, soap, a lot of clothes(I am not sure how many sets), shampoo, pillow, blankets, my favorite dolls, star paper(duh), a family photo (including my dog), snacks, some money, plates and other utensils, shoes, cup, tools, books, paper, pencils, erasers, flashlight, games, some batteries, and of course, my family. i would bring the bathroom stuff to use in the bathroom, sleeping stuff to use when I go to sleep, the kitchen stuff to use when I eat, and the rest, to use as memories from my house, friends, and family. Since there are no pets allowed in the camp, I would give my dog to, my uncle, where I would always know that he is being taken care of well. I would give my other furniture and stuff to other people or donate it. But, like other people say, why worry about it when you don't have to? Right?
-Elizabeth Lee:) #15

Akhil said...

If I had ten days to pack, I would pack all the things that are necessary to survive.It is hard to tell from things that you need to survive with and things you just don't need. Here are a few things I would bring if I had to go to an internment camp. I would bring my mattress, my blankets, and my bed sheets, and definitely my clothes. I would pack a couple of board games in case I get bored(Which I most likely will be!). I will also take my photo album to remember all the great times I had. Of course I wold have to leave some things behind. What I would do with that is that I would sell them to make money. Then I will take the money to the internment camp and use it there to buy things that I will need.

aileen said...

i would bring some money to spend and some toys i could play with. i would also bring 4 sets of clothing and and many everyday life things. i would not bring my birds because i am not supposed to. that is mostly what i am going to bring.

daphne ;P said...

If I had to evacuate and only had ten days to pack, I would bring the most important things that mean a lot to me. I would bring a bunch of money because for a trip I would need a lot of money to survive. I would bring pictures that had of my family or friends so I wouldn't forget them. I would bring a pencil and diary to record all the horrible things that happen at the camp. Sets of clothes is important for ; if you don't want to be very dirty. I would also bring sleeping supplies and my little blankie. That is what i would bring for the evacuation.

Ihyderman said...

If i had ten days to evacuate my home i would bring canned food, money, shelter(tent), and a pile of sleeping materials i need + my clothing. Some other important things i would bring on the evacuation were tools, toys, blankets, pots and pans for cooking, utensils, stove or heater, and a huge pile of candy...
i would simpily bring all this because that would be all i needed to live in an internment camp. If i had to leave some of my possessions behind i would problaly drop some of my clothes and leave some toys. The clothes and toys i took would be majorily heavy to carry and they would slow me down. The possessions i would leave behind would be used and gave to the family that moves into the house i am in. Or in the internment camps i would give some things i would leave behind to the neighbors next to our horse stall.

Kevin said...

I would take food, books, and clothes. I need food to stay alive. Books help pass time, and clothes because I need the warmth. All of my other possessions would be sold, and I'll take the money with me.

Lillian _ said...

I would bring all my drawing pads, my favorite toys, star paper, my favorite book, clothing, bedding, and a lot of other things that are very important and special to me. All the things that I would have to leave behind I would give to trusted friends and relatves that do not have to suffer and go into camp with me.

Nicole said...

If I had ten days to pack stuff to go to an internment camp and just had two suitcases, I would bring some clothes, a blanket, one of my stuffed animals, photos of my pets, some snacks, a toy, a book, a notebook and some pencils. I would bring these things because they make me happy, and in my notebook, I could make an accurate recording of what happened. And all of the stuff I'm leaving behind including my pets, I would either give to friends and family or other nice people who would like to have the stuff. I would also like to make sure that all of my pets are together and are well taken care of until I get back.

Vishal Narayan said...

I suppose that I will get many weird stuff and basic needs. I would get the weird stuff because in any case if something happens, you can be able to do something. So this is just like Mrs. Kurihara. I would leave behind or give to a trusted friend or donate or just store my everyday stuff that I'm not taking, like sofas, laptops, phones, etc. I wouldn't take a phone because wherever you're going, you might not get a signal.

evelyn ;D said...

i would bring everything that i need. that wold be clothes, blankets and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

I would take my money