Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Brother Sam is Dead - Final Reflection

At the end of the story, Tim tells the reader that he has written down the events as they happened fifty years before. The story is his memory of what happened to him and his family during the Revolutionary War. Write about a memory you would like to preserve and give reasons you want to keep it alive.


Matt said...

A memory that I would preserve forever would be when I caught my 20 lb Tuna in Cancun. The reasons why I would treasure this moment forever because I wanted to see how a real tuna would look like in person. When I grow up and get married and have a family,Maybe someday my grandchildren will find my fishing journal and will say, Hey I bet my grandfather was proud when he caught that tuna. His dad would have been very proud of him. It as the first tuna I have ever caught and the biggest fish I have ever caught.

Daphne said...

A memory that I had was that once had was when I scored my first goal at my soccer game. The Game was really intense because the game was tied1-1 and i scored a goal and made it in. I want to save this memory because when I grow up, I want my children to see that anything is possible. I wanted to score that goal for a very long time so now that I know that I can do it.I want to prserve it because I now Love soccer and I want to look back when I'm old and try to remember the greatest momments I had in my life.

Nicole said...

One memory that I would really like to preserve is getting my dog, Leroy, from the Humane Society. I want to preserve that memory because it was a really special day for me. I picked him out from all of the dogs that were there. I picked him because he looked so weak and like he had no more strength or hope. His bones were sticking out, and he looked at me like he was pleading for help. I would love for this to be passed down to my children and grandchildren so they will know how much I love pets and animals and how special Leroy is to me.

Katrina said...

The memory I would like to preserve is when my Mom, Dad, sister and I are snuggled close together. I would like to cherish this memory becuse it shows that however how many tangles are between your family,it always turns right in the end.

Alvin said...

One time my family's friend and my family went to new york and when we were at the hotel i was playing with the ducks the suddenly my shoe went to the center of the pond so i had to waddle in the little pond to get it. I wanted to preserve this memory because it was extremely amusing.

Amit said...

One memory I would like to preserve is the time I got my first medal from a chess competition. I would like to keep this memory alive because when I get older, I would like my grandchildren to know that I loved chess and they would also like to learn how to play chess.

Aileen Zhang said...

I would like to preserve the memory that once I went to Argo to play basketball. I shot it 5 times in a row. My dad was very proud of me because I'm not good at basketball

Nikhil said...

A memory that I'd like to preserve is when I won the Koysho mini-z R/C finals 8 times in row and i felt pretty proud of myself because it was my firt time racing a super fast R/C car.

ALEX said...

One memory that I would like to preserve is when I had my first piano recital. I messed up but quickly got back on track. If my children knew this, they would know that you could always get back on track if they messed up.

Kristine chow said...

I would like to keep alive the day I got my third lifetime dog, Peggy Sue Genie Bobbia Pug Chow. I want to keep it alive because I really love my dog.

Kevin said...

I would like to preserve the memory when I went to the hospital for the first time. I was playing inside a friends house when I suddenly slipped and crashed into the wall. It hurt a lot so My mom and dad drove me to the hospital. I got some x-rays but nothing seemed wrong but it just hurts. I wore a sling when I went back to school. I'd like to remember this because I'd like to remember how it feels to be in the hospital.

Andrew said...

One memory I would like to preserve was when I went to New York without my family. It was important to me because it was the first time outside the state by myself without my family. When I came home, I felt proud and tired when I came home to my family.

Lillian said...

One time I would really like to preserve is when my brother and I were home without my parents. Then, we got a comercial phone call advertising an insurance company or something and my brother said shut-up to the phone. We totally cracked up. I would like to preserve this moment because it is one of the funniest days which I spent with only my brother. When he goes to college, I want to remember all the funny moments.

Elizabeth Lee :) said...

A memory that i would like to preserve is my first trip to DisneyWorld. I had to work hard there because my mom had to wake up early in the morning to get the fast passes(passes that let you ride without waiting in line) before they ran out. I also had to help my dad get my brother and sister get dressed because they would not listen to my dad. When my dad got lost, I had to help him find the places on the map were. He is not a person who likes to read maps. All in all, I like this trip to DisneyWorld where I got to help my mom and dad a lot.

Vishal Narayan said...

One memory I would want to remember is not long back. I was playing basketball with some of my friends, and no one passed the ball to me. I got so frustrated that I started to become a ball-hog and kept shooting the ball, but missed. Soon, I went to the opposite team. I started to make a lot of goals. I would like to preserve this memory because I learned that you should focus on what you're doing and that in a game, you can't win by taking revenge.

Caitlyn z cat said...

I would like to remember the musical I did, Honk. In that production, I was the cat. Although little kids(Mr. Weber's daghter) were frightned by me, because I was "the bad guy", I still enjoyed singing and acting on stage.I woould like to keep this memory because it was the first musical that I did that I got a lead role.I will keep the DVD of it FOREVER aeaeaeaeae...:)
Hope I don't lose it...:P

Ben said...

3 weeks a go I went to Disney World with my whole family. My mom took many pictures so we will remember the trip. My favorite part of the trip was going on Thunder Mountain railroad with my little brother. I always like going on roller coasters with my little brother.

Ihyder said...

My trip to Saudi Arabia was a great trip that i would like to keep alive. I had so much fun that time because we went to this huge gas station. it was kind of like a gas station with a car show, with a mall, and a big food court. I would like to preserve that memory because it was the best place i went to sisnce i was born. We went to a great musuem, that was about mechanical dinosaurs. And i also loved my trip from Saudi Arabia through a big desert. This was the greatest memory i could ever preserve.

Akhil said...

One memory I would like to preserve is going to Argonaut. I think it is a awesome school. I also have so many memories that happened at Argonaut like the musical, all my wonderful teachers,the variety show, and all those funny moments on the playground during recess. I will also always remember the time I started Argonaut. This is why I will remember Argonaut.

Gaurav said...

A memory that I would preserve for along time, is when I scored the winning shot, in the last game of our basketball season. It was quite amazing. There was five seconds in the last quarter. We were losing by two points. One of our players in bounded the ball to our point guard. Then he passed me the ball in the corner. With three seconds left I shot the ball in the air. It went flying, and swished right into the basket. The crowd jumped up, and cheered. I was so happy, I couldn't believe that I had made that. The other team just stood there dumbstruck. It was a good way to finish the season, and go into the tournament.

Crystal Sun said...

There was this one time, my family was at an amusment park. We entered a compition for fun. as it turned out we won. I would like to remember this moment because it shows that the enitire family worked together without my sister, um, doing something bad to me for once.

Anonymous said...

The memory that I would like to keep a live is when I went fishing with my dad and sister. I would like to keep this memory alive because it was the first time I went fishing. I remember we cast out our lines and waited and caught nothing. We then tried at a dead end.My line tugged and I reeled it in but found nothing. I only found out that the bate was gone. I tried many times to catch the fish and on the final time I caught it. The fish was little with a spiky fin but it was clever. That was the day I would like to keep alive.


Shivaum said...

A memory I would like to preserve is that this I went to the NCAA men's basketball tournament and the team I was following won the tournament. It was a great memory because my team had won and I has met all the players. the players parents said I was the lucky person. I had also got their autograph. It was a great experience and it was very fun. I hope I have another chance like this.

Emily said...

My most memorable moment was great. It all started when I entered a painting in the art show last year. Since it was my first time painting with oil paints on a canvas it was hard and the paints I had were not very good. I had messed up on the painting at least twice so finally my mom decided to go get new paints. It was fixed but it still wasn't perfect. I had thought I wouldn't win because I had messed up but it turned out great. At the essembly when Mr. Chapman announced the winner he said "Emily Roper" I was so shocked. My whole class was cheering for me.(If you entered but didn't you got a medal.) I walked up to the stage and he awarded me with a trophy (It was a big one.) i was so exited and that is why it is a memorable moment for me.

Ashok said...

My most memorable event was the best ever. The most that I had is when I went to the San Jose Sharks game. They won the game 4-3. I was so happy when they won, because if they scored 4 or more goals then everyone in the stadium got a free pizza at Round Table Pizza. After the game there was a lady who was sitting next to me. She was really nice. After the game she gave us the tickets to show Round Table that we went to the Sharks game and we get a free pizza. We got the tickets, but we never went and got our free pizza from the San Jose Sharks game from when they won 4-3 against the Detroit Red Wings.

Nick-ster said...

My most memorable moment was when I meet this kid about the same size as me at this musem in China. We played computer games with each other. He evan taught me some Chinese. but the thing is that he doesn't know how to speak English. I sat with him on a bench and tried my bast to teach. At the end he said by and I saldly left with my dad.

Tyler said...

my most memorable event was when i went to san diego and visit my cousins and friends and grandparents and it was fun i love san digo [-_-]~

Destiny said...

i would recommend the single shard by Linda shopark. this adventure tells about a boy name tree ear and a man name crane man. tree ear loves pottery he watches a man a cross the street make pottery crane man and tree ear are very pore and live under a bridge. they collect food of the ground and out of the trash.