Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Brother Sam is Dead

In the story, Sam joins the American Revolutionary Army because he feels that the colonists are taxed unfairly by the British. His father thinks that fighting over taxes is not worth the lives that will be lost. Sam claims he is standing up for a principle. Write about a time you stood up for something you believe in. Describe what you did and how it made you feel.


Daphne said...

I time stood up to someone who was bullying my brother. He started teasing and making fun of my brother because he was bullying him so i told him to stop since I was a year older than him. He didn't stop so I told his parents.I felt very protective of my brother and looked after him. I felt okay that i protected my brother, but i felt kind of bad getting him in trouble. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings just so he would stop. That is when I stood up to somethingand how I felt about it.

Allyson C. said...

Okay this is a story about some people that are close to me. Person1 had been feeling not respected by person2. Person2 had made person1 think that they don't belong to each other anymore, because person2 had been stealing money from person1's back for his or her family. When person1 found out they got in to a fight, and a stood up for what I thought was right. I helped person1 out by making or forcing person2 to kneel down and apologies to person1. Person1 thought that was unnecessary, so I shorten it down to just apologizing to person1. When person2 did person1 told person2 to never do that again and go to whatever person2 was going.When I stood up for person1 I felt so brave and like I was doing the right thing. Well, I hope I did the right thing.XD :)

This is a true story, and please don't ask me who person1 and person2 is because I'm not telling.

Amit said...

My sister was teasing me because I got a haircut that looked really weird, so I asked her to stop teasing me but she continued to do it. I just ignored her and she gave up and went away.

Crystal said...

Once, there were two boys arguing over whether you had to be religous or not. It seemed like one of the boys seemed to be losing his nerve,and he wasn't religous himself. The other one was going on and on about how the other boy wasn't right. I stood up for the boy that wasn't religous because, well, this is America, and you have the right to choose if you want to be religous or not.

Nicole said...

When I was in first grade, I stood up for myself and my friends. At recess, I was playing basketball with my friends when some 5th graders came up to us, took my snack and threw it on the ground. They said they wanted to play on the basketball court. I told them that there was another basketball court and said we could also split our court in half so we could both play. But they didn't want to and got angry. Finally, one 5th grader stood up and said that his friends were being mean and that we should split the court or maybe even play against each other. In the end, they played on one court, and we played on the other one. I was really glad I stood up for myself and my friends so that we could still play. It made me feel proud of myself.

Ben said...

When our class went to science camp some kids were calling my friend Bob I told them not to, but they were still being mean. Then when we went to lunch they finally stopped.

Gaurav said...

In school I was eating lunch and a bunch of people were eating on one side of our table. They were really noisy, and my friends and I were on the other side of the table eating and talking quietly to each other. The lunch dismissers got annoyed, and didn't excuse are table until the end of recess. I got mad, and I went to Mr. Chapman and asked him to dismiss us and he did. It wasn't fare for the lunch dismissers to not excuse us. Are side of the table wasn't doing anything wrong they could have at least excused are half of the table. And that's a time when I stood up for something I believed in.

Aileen zhang said...

Once when we went to the library some kids were bullying my friend and i told that person to stop. He didn't stop, so i told his parent and that kid stopped bullying my friend.

Caitlyn said...

This year we got kinder buddies. I got a buddy that was really nice, but she did not have very good looks, at least the my friends thought so. At first, I was jealous of the other buddies, and I teased her behind her back. Then, I realized that she was a really nice girl, even though she was not beautiful.But my friends did not feel this way, and they kept teasing my buddy behind her back. But I stood up and said that maybe she wasn't the cutest buddy, but she could easily be the nicest. After that, they never teased her again. I learned that day that it's not the outside that counts, it's the inside. I felt very good when I did that because I knew that my friends couldn't get a buddy that could teach you a good lesson.

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Vishal Narayan said...

Once, in India, two of my friends, 1 and 2, were fighting. 2 said that 1 had promised to help him do a project together. At first, I thought 1 was wrong not to help 2 because they were really close friends, but since 1 went to a different school, he had a different syllabus. It turned out that 1 had his final exam the next day, and that he really wanted to help but just had to study. So I decided to try to help 2 in his project, and I think I did help a bit. The next day, when 2 came with his grade, he said that in fact I had been a great help. this is how I stood up for someone else.

PS: I put 1 and 2 in place of my friends' names because their names might be too confusing.

Nikhil said...

once in the second grade i was playing kickball with a couple of my friends and a group of people punched me in the face and took the ball away. the next day I said hey thats not nice and they just kept on punching,kicking, and spitting on me. One day I saw the same kids bulling a second grader and stood up and said "hey, you better stop bulling him or else I'll report you to the principal", and I felt pretty good.

Ashok said...

In my old school there was a new kid. His name was James. There were a lot of people who were always bulling him. One day he was not at school and I was upset with what they were doing. So I stood up for him. He thought that i was giving them advice to insult him. Then he heard me say " How would you like it if I called you that". They pushed me down. Then I fought back. After that I got sent to the principal's office. I felt good about what I done. The reason why I felt good about it, because after that they stopped bulling him for the rest of the year. I also forced them to say sorry. After that we became best friends.

Alex said...

Once when I was 8, my brother said I needed snowboarding lessons but i didn't want any lessons so I skipped them. it made me feel strong to be independent I now snowboard great.

Kevin said...

Once me and my friend were playing Legos but about five kindergartners liked my friend so when we were playing to try to break the other persons toy. The kindergartners kept on trying to break my lego figure when ever I connect two pieces together. Whenever I broke my friends legos they started attacking me. I told them to stop but since there were so many they wouldn't listen. I told them to stop but they didn't so I told the teacher.More kindergartners came until there was about 10 kindergartners and they all started throwing stuff, taking my legos, and hitting me. I told the teacher again and she sent them all to nap time. I was glad I told the teacher because I finally got to play with my friend.

Elizabeth Lee said...

Last year, my best friend had a bully that only i knew about. This bully would take our snacks and throw it on the ground and call us names. One day, i didn't want to stick with this bullying anymore so i told her stop but she kept on going so i told an adult and it turned that she was really nice if you got to know her better
(o o)
(U U)o -Elizabeth Lee #15

evelyn said...

once when i was small,two of my friends started arguing about the last of my snack. i gave them each half but they kept complaining one was bigger. then i told them if they kept fighting i would eat it all. hey, it is my snack right? they kept fighting and i ate it. it was so delicious.
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Kristine chow said...

I feel very disappointed in his father because if you keep on buying things on the taxes, he'll realize that most of the time you're just paying extra money. I feel Sam's father should really let him join the army. #4

Shivaum said...

One time I was in first grade and some people to get out of the wall ball court, but then I told them it was a first grade court and they had to leave and go somewhere else. Then they had just walked away.

Alvin said...

One time someone was doing something he wan't suppose to do and then another person came and said," I caught you!" and then the person denied it so i made the other person tell on him. I know i was doing the right thing because he had to learn his lesson

Katrina said...

One time, we were play-acting something, and something bugged my friend. I saw people crowding around my friend, asking what was wrong. She did not respond, and I knew she needed some private space. So I stood up for my friend and asked the people to go away, and they did. Later, I felt proud for standing up for my friend.

Matthew said...

In first grade I got a buzz cut so short that you could see the top of mu head. When I came to school, I saw a bunch of people pointing at me and laughing and telling their friends something. i had wonder what they were looking at. Then people started to crowd around me and saying in a sarcastic voices, "nice haircut." Then people started to laugh at me. Then It kept going on for days. Then I just ignored them after a couple days and then they went away.

Lillian said...

I was on a carpooling with a few people to my afterschool. One guy kept taking another guy's things and making that guy trade him to get it back. The peson really liked some things that were taken from him, so, he agreed to trade in order to get his things back. I thought this was really unfair and mean so I told the guy to stop taking things from other people and to be nicer. He actually listened and I felt proud and that I had done the right thing.
(><)o Lillian

Anonymous said...

When I was at choir, a boy took my water bottle just to annoy me. When I noticed tag it was gone I walked over to him and since he was smaller I towered over him. I stood there with my arms crossed and a don't mess with me expression on my face. He smiled and hand me my water bottle. I felt good about dealing with it myself.


Andrew said...

One time, my dad and mom got into a huge fight. They were arguing about how my dad wasn't doing enough work for the family. I supported my mom, since I thought she was right. I told my dad as nice as I could, so I baited him into kindness. My dad noticed he did it too soon, so he told my mom that he would do more work. I was happy with myself.

P.S My dad never did the things he said to my mom.

Ismaeel Hyder said...

Once my older brother took our school snacks and kept them all to himself. I caught him and told him to share with everyone because that was the right thing to do. I felt confident to stand up to my older brother.

Akhil said...

One time I stood up for myself was when the yard duty was not excusing are table and said that they can,t excuse an individual person but at the next table they did. So I went to Mr. Chapman and told him. All the other kids did not want to. So in the end it stopped

Tyler said...

one time some one was bullying me and he kept calling me names and following me so one day i stoped and i stood there while he was calling me names so i was talking to my friend and i ingord him then he said whats your problem can you hear me and i did nothing so i just went on and ingord him

emily said...

once someone was being mean to me at my old school. that person was my teacher. she was a very mean teacher so i told my mom and dad. both my mom and dad went to the school principle to tell her what was going on. from that point on the teacher wasn't mean again.

Nicholas said...

My brother and I was playing a Video game. He said I sucked at it and he just kept on laughing at me when I died.So I just quit the game and had a talk with my brother.