Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Brother Sam is Dead - Responsibility

In the story, Tim has to take on important responsibilities while his father and older brother are absent. He helps his mother run the tavern and make decisions concerning the farm. Write about a situation in which you had to take on important responsibilities. Describe what you did and how you felt about the situation.


Matthew said...

When My dad was about to go to China and he said that I am the man of the house and he said to help my mother if she needs help, exercise my dog, Jasmine, and take care of my sister while my mom is out taking my dog for a walk or running errands. So every time when my dad goes to China, thailand, or Boston, I have to do those things. I felt like I was taking more action to the family.

Amit said...

When my dad went to China for business(not copying Matt),and there was a funeral that was for family.My mom had to go to Canada, which meant there were no adults in the house. I had to stay with my cousins for 3 days and had to do what they told me to. I felt like I was actually doing something that was contributing to myself alone.

Daphne said...

There was a time where my dad had to go to L.A. because my aunt was sick and he needed to take care of her.He was gone for a week , but it seemed like a loooooooonngggggg time.My brother and I had to take out the garbage, wash the dishes , clean to table and lots more. After the weekend it felt like we didn't have any fun at all because we had worked all dy and didn't have breaks except for meals. I was exhausted. When my dad came back I was relieved because I didn't have to do the work anymore!YIPEEEEE

Gaurav said...

When my dad went to India to meet his colleagues and siblings, I had to help my mom with all the daily chores. I helped unload the dishwasher, do the laundry, take the garbage out, and even help cook. It was very tiring and irritating, but I felt proud of myself for doing all this hard work. I felt more responsible. The only bad part about it was that I didn't get paid.

Nicole said...

When my mom had a hurt neck a couple of weeks ago, I had to help out around the house by taking care of my two dogs, Leroy and Lily. I had to let them in and out of the house, feed them, give them water, and put them to bed at night. I had to take care of my cat, Suzy, and fill her water, give her food and give her lots of attention. I also unloaded the dishwasher, helped make food and folded up laundry. Doing all this work made me feel good about myself, and I felt more responsible and like I contributed a lot to our house and family. Most of all, I felt great because I got to help my mom.

Kristine said...

when my dad went to China, he told me that I should help my mom do chores like Landry and stuff. So I helped her cook, fold my clothes, take care of my dog Moses, and helped my sister with a tiny bit of homework.

Ashok said...

When my dad and brother went to Israel and London, both my mom and I had to all the chores around the house, such as taking in/out the garbage, do the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry, and feed my rabbit Camden. So I had to all the chores but cleaning the house. After doing all that work I fell asleep while watching a movie. That is why I never want 2 people in the family to leave the house on the same day. It was really hard to work with 2 people out of the house. I did not like doing all those chores.

Shivaum said...

When my dad and mom went to Las Vegas I had to do a lot of chores. I had stayed home with my brother. I had to sweep the floor, take out the trash, unload the dishwasher, and much more. It was so tiring. When I went to bed I feel asleep right away. It was a very hard job.

Lillian said...

Once, my parents had to go on a business trip, both of them, for a few days. I had to stay home with my brother. We had to cook our own meals, get to places ourselves and much more! It was really tiring to live by yoursef without a "mommy" and "daddy" to depend on.

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Elizabeth Lee said...

when my dad had to go to korea to watch over my almost dead grandma for 2 weeks, i had to watch over my little brother and sister for the 2 weeks my dad was gone while my mom did all the housework. even though it was tired i thought it was fun to help my mom clean and study.

Nikhil said...

When my mom and dad had to go to India because my grandmother was about to die, my older brother and I had to do everything. We had to cook, clean, wash the clothes, take care of the dogs, I even had to ride my pocket bike to get groceries! it was tiring being up on your toes all day, but we felt really responsible and proud of ourselves.

Ben said...

One of my big responsibilities is to show an example for my little brothers. I tell my brothers to not say mean words to each other. I think since I told them that they have been better kids.

Aileen zhang said...

Once my daddy went on a business trip to Malaysia, I had to take care of my birds( they are actually my dads, he takes care of them himself).

Katrina said...

Whenever my dad goes on a business trip, he always tells me, Help Mom around the house and make sure your sister doesn't be naughty. So while he was gone, I helped Mom around the house and chores, and made sure my sister DID NOT get naughty. At the end of the week,I felt proud of myself because I had done a good job at what my dad told me to do while he was gone. Student#25

Anonymous said...

When my mom had her knee surgery we made our own breakfast.we also,did more things by ourself that she did for us.

Paige (;

emily said...

when my uncle died in L.A. my mom, brother and I had to go down there to help clean out his house to sell. since my dad couldn't come because of work it was the three of us with the help of my aunt. His house was also very dirty so it took about a month to clean out(but we were only there for a week). When we got back home to Saratoga I was relieved because I didn't have to do as much work.

Andrew said...

During business trips my dad takes, I have a lot of big responsibilities such as taking out the trash, washing the dishes, and cleaning the table. It would take so much time, I didn't really have time to do other things such as play piano. I was relieved when my dad came home. I would be literally waiting for him. It was a good and hard experience doing chores that someone else really had to do.

Ihyder said...

Once in January, 2010 my brothers all went to another continent with my dad. My mom, sister, big sister, and little brother stayed at my house. We all had to do chores like my big sister had to clean my cats litterbox. My little sister had to clean my dads room and her own room. I had to clean my room, the living room, and rake the leaves in the backyard. That was a really hard time for me and busy month. But then my dad and my two brothers came, and i was tired.

Teresa Huang said...
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Crystal Sun said...

Often my aunt and uncle leaves my two baby cousins at my house. My mom can't handle four kids (the two baby cousins, my sister, and me) so I often have to take care of them, such as taking them to the park, playng with them, feeding them, and changing their diapers. With all these things to do, and no time to do my reagular chores and himework, I felt glad when my aunt and uncle came back to pick them up.

Anonymous said...

On winter break,when my mom,dad and my brother was gone I had to stay home with my grandma. She doesn't know how to speak English at all. So I had to answer the phone for her and talk to the people in front of our house.
Nicholas Di

Akhil said...

When my mom went to Seattle to visit my aunt and uncle for two days, I helped my dad with chores around the house. I made my own breakfast(waffles with maple syrup), helped unload the dishwasher (my dad does not know much about the kitchen!)and folded laundry.It felt good to be responsible and I was proud of myself.

Tyler said...

when I was alone at home for 9 hours i had to clean the house and wash dishes and other things my dog barfed and then i had to take him outside then clean his sleeping area and had to to do it quick so my mom would not know. [-_-]~

Allyson said...

Well right now in Taiwan i have to babysit my niece for when my cousin (my niece's mother)went to pray to my grandma well i wasnt alone with a kid because sometimes they're adults sleeping upstairs. usually we just lie on the couch and watch tv or play with her toys like cooking (not my idea dont laugh)but somtimes she was hungry or she needs to use the bathroom... soo..ya that was the time i had a important reasponsity to do...

Vishal Narayan said...

One of the times I took a (not very great) responsibility was when my sister and I were late for about three or four days(you can count one out because I had my house-warming ceremony). I decided that we shouldn't be late, and thought that the reward would be to play in the school, so even now I keep waking up early and waking others up early and telling them that we can't be late. I think this is a good responsibility because it shows that you are always ready, and since my mom says I lack a lot of time sense I can show her that I don't(heehee).