Monday, November 1, 2010

The Sign of the Beaver - Chapters 7-9

As you read about Matt’s struggle to interest Attean in reading, you may be reminded of similar situations in your own life. Perhaps you, like Matt, have tried to get a reluctant learner interested in some project or new skill. Or, perhaps, like Attean, you have been forced into learning something that you thought was of no value to you.

Good readers naturally use their own prior knowledge to help them understand a character’s response to a situation. At this point in the story, with whom do you sympathize more - Attean or Matt? What experience of your own helps you to understand what that character is going through?


Ashok said...

I think Matt got Attean intrested in reading,because while reading Robinson Crouso Matt read all the interesting parts so that when Attean grew up he would be able to read english so when the white man came to ask Attean yo sign something he would be able to read.

Matt said...

I think Matt got Attean interested in reading him the Robinson Crusoe book because he read him the interesting parts to make him want to read more. So when the white men came along, he will know how to speak English and know how to read.

Gaurav said...

Matt lost his house and is now here with the Indians. He is desperately trying to get Attean to read. He does everything he can to make Attean learn the English in this book. Matt reads interesting parts in the story making Attean want to read more. I feel bad for Matt. He has to go all through this work. Attean is learning a lot and can finally help his family when white men come.
#19 Gaurav

Anonymous said...

Attean is an Indian that thinks that white men are not that appreciating, or Attean is selfish of his own heritage. Attean doesn't want to learn the white men's language, for his hatred of Matt, thinking he is not that talented. I feel sad for Attean because he has to do something he doesn't want to do. He just wants to stick to his own heritage.
#4 Kristine

Kevin said...

Attean, because I had to learn piano when I thought it was useless. Then I learned that playing the piano may help me in life.

Anonymous said...

i sympathize Attean. I take dancing class even though i think it is useless.

student 10

Daphne said...

I would sympathize Attean because it's hard to learn a new language. I remember that when I was a kid, I went to a new chinese School and everybody thought I was really unusual, but I got uesed to it.It helps realize wht Attean has to go through. It is also really hard to learn things even though you don't want to

Alex said...

I feel more sympathetic for Matt because he has to teach Attean to read to live and always is out smarted by Attean in some way

Alex said...

I played Piano and now find it useful though I did not want to learn.

Crystal said...

I feel sorry for both. I had to take Private Math tutoring (forced by the one-and-only mom),but whenever I try to teach my sister, Leslie, it has always started out awkward and ended out with a fight(and I mean a FIGHT)

Alvin said...

I thought playing piano was useless because i thought it would have nothing to do with school but then i heard someone say, "If you want yo go to a good college you would have to play instruments and sports."

nikhil Mehta said...

I sympathize Attean, because I was learning how to
play golf and I thought it was useless. But now its something that I love doing.

Amit said...

I sympathize Matt because he had to teach Attean how to read and speak another language.

Amit said...

And I thought learning the piano was a waste of time

Nicole said...

I relate more to Matt. I relate to him because he has to teach Attean to read when they can't communicate very well. My kinder buddy is very shy so she doesn't talk much. It is hard to communicate with her, too.

Katrina said...

I sympathize with Attean because Attean is forced to learn English when he doesn't like it. I thought learning how to play the cello was hard. But I tried it, and now I love to play the cello!(I also play piano)!

Shivaum said...

I sympathize Attean because his Gradfather forces him to learn to speak a language he does not want to learn. I thougt playing the violin was bad.

Ben said...

I thought knee boarding behind a boat was dumb,but once i did it I did it a lot of times.

Allyson said...

I don't know who i am sorry for..... I think both,because Attean got forced to learn English when he didn't wanted to. Matt well i fell something that i am sorry for.... I think well he has to put up with Attean who seems to be a little grumpy sometimes. The main thing is about not liking something and turn out to be liking it. I didn't want to go to math Olympiad at first, so I thought about it really hard and I thought if i don't improve my math I won't be able to be a boss in a company because I rather will be at McDonald's sweeping the dirty floor of dirt tracks and fry food. Then I gave math Olympiad a shot, and I turned out liking it. Too bad I didn't do it last year.

Anonymous said...

I sympathize with Matt, because he has no idea how to teach someone how to read. In my own experience, I found it hard to teach someone something new. For example, it was hard teaching my sister to use a T.V. remote.

aileen said...

I think learning a new language is hard so I sympathize Attean. In 2nd grade I was forced to play violin. The teacher was mean and strict. So I quit. But now I'm more interested in it than ever.

elizabeth said...

I sympathize Attean more because it was hard to learn new math concepts when you dont want to.

Emily said...

I sympathize Attean because it can be hard to learn how to read when you can barley speak English and sometimes Matt is not super nice to Attean.

Andrew said...

I sympathize more with Attean. I remember I was reluctant when my mom thought I was ready for the swim team. I gave it a try, and I became interested. I felt like I wanted to keep doing it. This is the same for Attean. He is forced to learn English, but he doesn't want to. As Matt reads interesting parts of Robinson Crusoe, he feels the English lessons were not that bad. Both me and Attean learned lessons. Give it a try before you judge it.

Anonymous said...

I sympathize Attean because it is hard to learn how to read when you don't know English that much. Just like reading an Chinese book.


Akhil said...

I sympathize with both in a way. I sympathize with Attean because he is forced to learn something that he doesn't want to learn. I have to go to math classes and sometimes I just don't really want to go. Sometimes I even misbehave a little because of that. I don't want to quit it though because I know it will help me later in life. I also sympathize with Matt because of Attean's behavior. It must be really hard to teach someone to do something. One experience that I had with that is trying to teach my cousin to do something. She didn't want to learn it so she gave me a hard time. So I think Matt's misery is because Attean is not enjoying it. In the end though, I think I sympathize with Attean more because if Attean wasn't in misery then Matt wouldn't be either. As a teacher, Matt should put up with it.

Lillian said...

I sympathize Attean, because I've felt the same, piano lessons seemed useless for life I mean only if you're like Mozart would you ever focus on music that much, but as life went on, learning the location of "middle C" came in use. I think Attean and I both continued these lessons because we both knew it would help our future in some bit even if that bit is tiny.

Again, Lillian said...

Oh BTW, I still don't like piano even if it does help me :P

Caitlyn said...

I sympathize Attean. I thought piano was a useless thing. But now since i learned piano it taught me the basics to music. So it's easier to to learn new instruments, like the clarinet. I can also use it while sight-reading music.