Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Journey to Topaz

Explain this statement: "There is so little here to comfort the eye or the heart, and people grow quarrelsome and sullen when you are unhappy." What was Mother talking about when she made this statement? Can this statement apply to any situations today?


alyssa said...

The statement means that in the camp there is not comfort anywhere near and no love that can go far. Also it means being held up in the camp makes people very sad and have resentfulness. One time I was in my room all alone because my parents said i couldn't watch Tv for tha period of time i didn't feel sad but, i felt eager to get out of my room.

Jacqui said...

I think mother told that to Yuki to explain that Ken is unhappy because there is no comfort. She is also referring to alot of people at their camp. Ken is now cranky and annoyed so he doesn't talk to Yuki or Mother very much. This can relate to people now days too. When someone loses a close family member in modern times that person wants to commit suicide because they are quarrelsome and sullen.

Kavya said...

The statement that Mother made means that there is no love, fun, excitement, or creativity in that kind of tragic life. A situation this statement may apply to is when someone is mad at or unhappy with someone else, they don't feel happiness or color in their minds at that time. At this dreadful time the person is feeling dull and miserable. They would be glum and gloomy.

Kavya said...

The statement that Mother made means that there is no love, fun, excitement, or creativity in that kind of tragic life. A situation this statement may apply to is when someone is mad at or unhappy with someone else, they don't feel happiness or color in their minds at that time. At this dreadful time the person is feeling dull and miserable. They would be glum and gloomy.

Trevor-typed on dsixl said...

Mother meant that there was barely anything that was funny or good. She also meant that most of the things that they did were really gloomy, or really boring. It could apply to some statements today.

Ashritha said...

This statement means that there is nothing to fell happy about when something tragic happens. An experience that I would have been through would be in a movie called the 3 idiots. One boy who the headmaster hates commits suicide because the headmaster feels that the boy cannot accomplish anything and does not pay attention in class. The college has a burial and the boy's father comes and just sits down on the grave and cries and cries for his only son until he cannot cry anymore. Finally everybody just started crying and tries to support the old man and goes back to their dorm all gloomy and sad.

Megana said...

The statement means that the situation that the Japanese are in is so depressing and dismal that there is nothing that would be able to make people feel better. When people feel this way, they start to argue and grow irritating. When some one you know and love dies, the air becomes filled with tragedy and there is little that anybody can do to make you feel better. You feel so alone in the world and that is just like what the Sakane family is feeling. They are unhappy and even though they are doing everything in their power to feel happy, they just can't.

Jessy said...

The statement means that there is no sign of happiness in the camp for it is barren, dusty, and dry. There are no brightly colored flowers too. All the other camp members are sad and irritable because they have lost hope. Ken is probably cranky because things aren't getting any better in their camp. I would be cranky too if I had to live like them. The Sakane family misses the comforts of Berkley.

Neehar said...

The statement means there is no happiness or joy at camp.It is colorless, depressing,and empty evryone is so irritable and frustrated because they lost hope and it is so hard to find it again. The people at camp miss the comfort and happiness of their old homes.

Mary said...

This statement can refer to the war going on today. There isn't anything that can bring happiness to the solders usually and when a man is down, the people grow very sad.

SOPHIE said...

The mother was meaning to say that there is not much stuff to bring happiness to everyone and it never makes people happy. This statement can be used today to like in Hatti. There are many other ways that it is in situation.

James™© said...

What Yuki's mother was trying to say through that statement was that being in the internment camps and behind barbed wire frustrates the residents. That makes people like Ken grouchy, but it's not Yuki's fault that they are. This can relate to small children on relatively long road trips that are bored and constantly say, "Are we there yet?" Eventually the children get grumpy or grouchy.

Tia =0 said...

This statement means to stay calm. Also being locked up doesnt mean you cant be like you were before. Ken was mad about this whole thing, about moving and no freedom. What i mean by no is that they are behind barbedwire and hes mad about that. Today kids get grounded and they hate it they just want to get out of their room.

Unknown said...

The statement means that there is very little things in the camp that is pleasing to look at. A situation that might happen today is when kids are held back or can't get something. For example, a kid wants to buy a video game but his or her parent says no. The kid might become quite grouchy.

Megan said...

Mother's statement tells that in times like the Sakane family is in, there is not much to make one feel happy. People will get depressed and then there is nothing to look forward to, and nothing to brighten up anyone's mood. The camp in dreadful with nothing new or pleasing to look at. Ken's moods are getting worse, and Emi is sick.

Anonymous said...

What Mother was was talking about when she made this statement was that nothing is comforting, nothing to see or to make you feel comforted or happy. this statement can apply to some situations today, like in Haiti, where the earthquake struck, or poor places. However, instead of becoming unhappy, these people have joy and faith, for they may have donations and such.

Brennan said...

The statement that Mother made ment that the place was little or no comforted and was hard to grow comforted when you are unhappy. This statement might apply to some situations today, like when a kid loses in a video game and becomes more and more unhappy and grouchy.

Jordan said...

I think she means it is so gloomy, boring and empty living there. It is probably very uncomfortable being living there too. There is also very little interesting thing there. In wars it is gloomy and it is very boring. It is like the internment camps.

Derek Chen :]]]] said...

Mother said this because there was no fun or happiness at Topaz and it was just a dull and boring desert. It relates to today because that is what kids feel if they get grounded or punished.

Sanjit said...

This statement means that there were very little things at the camp that would please you. Instead, the dark and gloomy landscape made you depressed. Mother was saying that you should always look at the sunny side instead of the dark side. This concept is used today as well. Most human beings do not like being held against their will and being forced into a room with no brightness or happiness.

Piper said...

Mother was saying that there wasn't much comfort at the camp and people were getting restless and annoyed. Sometimes, when you have to be in the same place for a while it makes you restless.

Kevin said...

What mother was trying to say that there is no comfort in the house and the people in camp were so restless and annoyed. And she was tying to say that the towns people were too anoying complaining and when you stay to long in a place you get restless.

JT :):):):):):):):):):):):):):) said...

I think that Mother was trying to say that there is little to love in such a cruel place. I don't think it can relate to a thing that happened today.

Arthi said...

Yes, it can apply to many situations today. What mother means when she says that there is so little here to comfort the eye is that the camp does not look pleasant at all. Therefore, there is very little to comfort the eye. What she means when she says that there is very little to comfort the heart, is that the camp is simple and drab. The heart cannot feel content in a place such as camp

Arthi said...

Yes this can apply to many situations today. What mother means when she says that there is so little here to comfort the eye is that the camp does not look very pleasant at all. It is very simple and surrounded with barbed wire fence. What mother means when she says that There is very little to comfort the heart is that the camp is so drab and dreary that no no one can have a happy heart when they are at camp.