Thursday, May 13, 2010

Black Cowboy, Wild Horses

What would you find most difficult about what Bob does for a living? Most rewarding?


Ashritha said...

I would say that the most difficult thing that Bob Lemmons has to do for a living is capture the animals he loves working with most which of course are horses. But the good part is that in the end, he will get to train them to be tame and a lot more people will think that these wild horses can actually be wild from the outside, but if you really feel it, on the inside you will feel that these horses actually worked well with Bob and you will probably decide to ride them. You will feel sorry that these horses had to die and Bob had to see his best friends die. If you really like horses, take on a job like Bob, and soon, horses will be your best friend in the whole wide world forever and as long as you live!

Anonymous said...

I think the most difficult thing Bob does for a living is to catch the herd of horses. He has to be one of them, first, but in order to do that he needed the smell like the sun, moon, stars, and wind before the mustangs would accept him. I think the most rewarding thing he does for a living is defeating the stallion to be the herd's leader. Then Bob can bring the horses to the corral.

Alyssa said...

I think that the most difficult thing of doing what bob does is fight the leader or male horse and winning the trust of the herd.
The most rewarding would be putting the wild horses in the Penn and seeing all the people who gathered and saw you putt the horses in the Penn.

Jessy said...

I think that the most challenging thing Bob has to do is track down the horses and become one of them. he basically has to smell like the sun, moon, stars, and wind. Then the mustangs have to accept him. the reward for all his hard work would be capturing all the horses and bringing them back to the corral.

Karena said...

What I find most difficult about what Bob did for a living was always having to wake up at dawn, track horses, and never stop catching horses. I think this because Bob always did the same thing, and he never stopped doing that: waking up at the crack of dawn, and then going to track horses, and challenging the leader of the pack. what I find most rewarding is the chance of being with wild horses, and the sweet, fresh air. Also, I envy Bob because he got to lead a pack of horses. It would be interesting to be in his shoes, to smell like nature, and run wild. what an exiting to repeated life!

Anonymous said...


JT :):):):):):):):):):):):):):) said...

i think that bob's hardest job was tracking down the horses. just because you had to find certain things like hoof prints or some thing like that. the most rewarding was when he arrives with the horses and is payed.

Piper said...

The most difficult thing that Bob does for a living is probably capturing the horses into the corral. It's not difficult for him physically, but emotionally. He says that he's always wanted to just ride off with all those horses, but each time he has to sadly watch them be herded into the cowboys' camp. The most rewarding thing about what Bob does is that he gets to run free with horses even if only for a few days. He can just be free and down to earth.

Tia Valdez said...

The most difficut thing he does is chasing the pack of horses and trying to train them. With the rope its hard because the horse can throw you off track. The most rewarding thing is that you would be able to show off the horses you have and cought.

Jordan said...

I think the hardest part of Bob lemons day was tracking the horse prints. He new the size weight when they passed by and where they where going. I think that is the hardest part of his day I think the most rewarding part of the day is when tacks over the herd He is also happy when they get in the enclosure

Sophie said...

I find the part when he tries to find the horses from the ground. The reason why I think it is difficult is because of the way that he finds them and how he knew how old they were from how washed away they were. Another thing that I personally thought was hard was how he had become the leader of the pack and how he had got the horses into the pasture and when Worreior had fought the leader of the pack. thoughs are all of th ething that i think were difficult.

Mary said...

I think a problem is that Bob has to get up very very early every morning hoping to catch a horse, but he never knows if he will catch it that day. Also Bob has lots of patience and some people don't have that, but I think the reward is when Bob catches the horses, he has the satisfactory of achieving his goal.

Brennan said...

I think what I find the most difficult about what Bob does for a living is that he has to find a herd, then hope for the leader to allow him, finally then he has to fight the stallion a become the new leader and lead the herd back to round them. I find the most rewarding thing was that he gets congratulated when he comes back and round the horses.

梁逸昕 Trevor® said...

I think the most difficult thing bob does for a living is if a herd of horses accept him and when he fights or challenges the leader of the herd to a battle to take over a herd. I think the most rewarding thing is that he gets to spend moretime with Warrior, his horse in order to make their bond stronger.

Jacqui said...

I think the most challenging thing about Bob Lemmons's job is approaching the horses without going to fast. He even said in the book that if he approached too quickly then the horses would run away and never come back. It also might be hard for Warrior to make friends with the horses and then have to lock them up and never see them again.

Sanjit said...

The most difficult task that I would find difficult is to be patient. The first example of this was when a rainstorm started, and Bob had to wait until it stopped. Then he had to be calm and not lose himself when he was tracking down horses. I know for a fact that I couldn't have done this.

For me, the most rewarding about Bob's living is his achievement. I would love to go to the corral and see all that was accomplished.

Kevin said...

I think that the most difficult thing Bob Lemmons does for a living is catching herds. When Bob does that it is really hard for him to find a herd of horses and if the horses accept him than he will have to challenge the leader of the herd for a fight. If he wins than he can take control of the herd and lead them back. I think the most rewarding thing is that he has his great black stallion, Warrior, that leads him around and catching a herd of horses in a hurry.

Joy said...

What I find most difficult about what Bob does for a living is that he has to wake up early in the morning, and track horses. How I find this most difficult is that I don't think I can wake up at dawn, and smell like the wind, sun, and rain, so that the horses won't be afraid. I think the most rewarding thing is that he has such a well trained horse, and good too. Another reason that is the most rewarding thing is the fun part to have the wild horses follow you if you take over.

Derek :/ said...

In this book, the most difficult thing that Bob does for a living is handling the horses and fighting wild mustangs. It is rewarding because he can imagine that he is a horse and ride with Warrior. That is why Bob's life is both difficult and rewarding.

JT:):):):):):):):):):)::):):) said...

I think that Bob's hardest job was tracking down the horses. Just because you had to find certain things like hoof prints or some thing like that. The most rewarding was when he arrives with the horses and is payed.

Megana said...

I think that the most difficult thing for was the dangers that you would have to face. There are rattlesnakes, mustangs that are very harsh and wild, and severe weather. It can be very rewarding because you are able to spend the whole day being free while riding, and the feeling of that is exciting and fun That would make everyday life rounding up wild mustangs adventurous and very fun and rewarding!!!

Unknown said...

I think that the difficulties of Bob's life was fighting the stallion. That is because he is risking the risk of getting himself and his horse hurt. The most rewarding parts of his life is when he gets to work with the horses of the herd. I think this because Bob Lemmons loves to work with horses.

James said...

The most difficult thing Bob probably does for a living is to compete with the leader of the herd because Bob or Warrior could become mortally wounded. But on the other hand the most rewarding thing his job has is leading the herd back to the corral, because he had pretty much just become the leader of a herd of large animals that trust him.

Anonymous said...

What I didnt read this story>>.......