Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Brother Sam is Dead - final reflection

At the end of the story, Tim tells the reader that he has written down the events as they happened fifty years before. The story is his memory of what happened to him and his family during the Revolutionary War. Write about a memory you would like to preserve and give reasons you want to keep it alive.


Mary -_- said...

I would like to keep the memory of my great grandfather and my great great grandfather's memory alive. My great grandfather served in World War One and he fought in the Spanish American War. My great great grandfather came to America around the time of the gold rush and he went on a Navy ship and became a Navy Surgeon. They both fought for this county in different ways and I thought they should be remembered because they risked their lives for us to be here today.

梁逸昕™®© (Trevor) said...

I would like to preserve the memory of my old house in Vancouver, Britosh Columbia, Canada. I would like to keep it alive because it is very important to me because it was the first building I went in(except for the hospital). I lived there until kindergarden, which was when I moved to Cupertino.

Piper said...

I would always like to keep the memory of my Grandpa alive. He was a wonderful person, and I know this even though I only saw him when I was a baby. He too fought in a nasty war so I will always think of him as daring and brave. My mom used to say that when he watched war movies he would always go out and cry in the parking lot because that is actually what it was like. I have seen lots of pictures of him and have heard plenty of stories about his witty humor and loving personality. The faint glowing memory of my Grandad will always remain close to my heart.

Ashritha! said...

I would always like to preserve the memory of my friends that I made in my old school. Their names were Ishani, Swathi, Nisha, and Sarah. All of us would sit together at lunch and talk about our boring teachers (just kidding) and what we had for lunch. Swathi and I would talk in our mother tongue which was Tamil. She would usually teach me new tricks on the monkeybars like jumping to the 4th monkeybar and also hanging upside down with out my hands. Ishani and I would just sit and hangout. We would chat about our pets if we had any and also share snacks. Nisha and Sarah were best friends, and soon I became one of their best friends. We three would play tag, hang upside down without hands, play tetherball, and just hang out together. I still have pictures of them, but never keep in touch anymore. The memory of my friends will always remain the first memory in my heart.

Megan said...

I'd like to preserve to memories of my friends, apartment, school and church. They were all very close to me since I was born in New York. When I came to California, I made friends, but had to move again to Argonaut. Sometimes I would look at the photo album and see pictures of my friends and me playing together, celebrating at parties, and just having a good time together. This memory will always be with me for as long as I live. I miss New York.

Alyssa from NY and Washington said...

I miss being in my old home and I have a couple of memories from that home . First I would like to state that,that was my very first home my parents and brother moved from a different to the home I am talking about wen I was born. I got my first dog at that home named Hannah and the dog died a while before we moved and the n we got another one named sundance. Their wre firsts and lasts of memories in that home it is very close and that home is still in Saratoga. Hopefully i will be able to see that home again in my life.

Joy said...

A memory I would like to preserve and cherish forever is when I had my real best friend in California. Emily was my best friend from last year. She was always by my side and I was always by her side.We were always doing things together and standing up for each other. An example is when a girl in our class was blaming me for doing something I didn't do. Emily stood up for me and told the teacher that I didn't do anything and that I was playing with her. The teacher was so amazed that Emily stood up for me. She always thought that that girl was always kind and loyal. She reliazed that the girl told a lie and didn't let that girl go out for recess' and had to have extra homework. The reasons I want to keep this memory alive is because she stood up for me when she wasn't part of the situation, and was always by my side.

*Arthi* said...

A memory that i would like to keep alive is my friends, home, and school from when I lived in Sunnyvale. That was two years ago and I really miss my old life. I would especialy like to remember my best friend, Sonali. She used to go to Srtatford with me until she moved to India one year ago. I kept her very close to me and I miss her very much. She came to my 9th birthday party and I enjoyed it a lot. I will always remember her and all the fun times we had together. I hope i will find someone like her again.

Tia said...

I would like to keep the memory of my great grandfather Jim alive. I wish I would have met him before he past away. I have heard many wonderful things about him. Like how loving he was, What a great farmer he was, and how he was such a loving father and grandfather. I will always keep my grandpa Jim in my heart.

Jessy said...

I would like to preserve the memory of my great-grandpa because I always heard stories about how funny he was and how easy going he was. My grandpa told me that he would always say that my mom's neck was too skinny. Even though my great-grandpa was a serious merchant he always found time to crack jokes and play. When he learned his first English word, he pronounced it wrong purposely to make my mom and uncle laugh.I will always remember how fun and caring my great-grandpa was.

Megana said...

My cousins, Shaun, Tara, and Sheila, are a lot older than me. Most of them are in college and one of them is going to college next year. They are my closest relatives and we have a lot of fun together but as they are older, it will be harder to see them. They live in Texas so I rarely see them anymore. The memories I have in Texas and when they came over here are very special because it will be hard to get memories like that again. I will see them but we won't be able to do as much as we used to. That is why to me, it is important to preserve the memories of my cousins and me.

郭證賢(James) said...

I would always like to remember a place called Dillon Beach. It's about 30 miles due north of San Francisco and we had a sort of summer/spring house there. My dad and my great-uncle, Richard, built it literally from the ground up. I had a lot of good times there. I remember walking down to the beach, stopping to see the slightly larger-than-life metal pirate and his slightly smaller-than-life metal cannon.Then I would walk over a sand dune and fly my kite. The weird thing is that I had actually dreamed about it a year before and it looked exactly the same! My great uncle is gone now and I know that I probably will never go to Dillon Beach again. So that's why I want to preserve that memory. But I'm happy with the memories I have right now.

संजित (Sanjit) said...

I am bent on keeping this memory of my friends and I from Stratford, when we played worldwide Mariokart Wii. It was fun, because we were also on the phone with each other while racing, so I could hear one of my friends reaction whenever I pushed someone of a cliff. (Although it wasn't fun when I fell off the cliff, and when the connection was bad since the microwave interferes with the Wii.) Still, this event is something to be remembered. These days, we don't talk often, because we go to different schools. Maybe in the summer, I can do this again.

Jacqui said...

I would like to remember the time when my friends and I had 2 sleepovers. I was with my friends Adriana, Sofia, and Jessica who were on my basketball and soccer team. We went to the beach together on a Sunday after the last game of our basketball tournament. It was the week after school got out so Sofia asked her dad if we could have a sleepover at their house. Her dad said yes so we went to her house (which was awesome because she has a 72 acre house!) Then, when our parents came to pick us up, Jessica’s mom asked if we wanted to go to Jessica’s country club. We called our parents and they said yes. Then we went on the pool waterslide a few times and had dinner at the country club. Then it was kind of late so Jessica’s mom called our parents and told them that my friends and I could sleep over. It was a GREAT day.

Alvin said...

The memory that I would like to preserve is the time when I was born because it was the day that I came to life. On that day I was happy. Later on it was the best or kind of best day of my life.

Sophie said...

The one time in life that I would like to keep alive is the one time that I went to Texas. The reason that I would like to keep that moment alive is because it was snowing. The best part was when we were on the road and it was so cold that the road was iced and we were slipping everywhere. The second reason is that, that is where I made my first snowman. That is the one time that I would like to keep alive.

Brennan said...

I would like to keep the memory of my 10th birthday. I would like to keep the memory because it was the best birthday I ever had! My mom rented a water slide for my birthday since it was hot that day. I invited some of my friends to my party. When everyone was there, we started to go on the slide. It was a birthday I would never forget!

Kevin said...

The memory that I would like to remember was my first sleepover. That night nobody could sleep because we were all talking about stuff at our school's. At 6:00 some of us got sleep and some of us did not sleep at all. My friend's dad woke every body up at 6:00 because he said that we were going to go to the soccer field to play soccer. At the soccer field we had so much fun playing soccer games and all other stuff. It was time to go back to their house. When we got back to their house my dad was already there. That is the memory I would like to keep alive.

Kavya said...

A memory that I would like to preserve and keep alive is when I got my first phone in 2nd grade. It was an LG. I really liked my phone because it was very cute. I would like to keep this memory alive because it was the 2nd happiest day of my life. (The happiest was my birthday but Alvin already did that topic.)

Derek :] said...

I would like to keep the memory of my old house in Cupertino because it was where I grew up. I still have many pictures of it before and while it was being demolished. It was a nice house. I would like to see it again.

JT said...

i want to save the memory of my first dog billy. She was added to our family when my mom and dad just got married. then i came along and billy and i where unsealable. them she died when i was 6. i was devastated. but i still love billy.

Jordan said...

I will always remember our 2 frogs named Frog and Toad. We got them around the Christmas of 2000. Around 2003 Toad died. A few months later Frog died. I will always remember Frog and Toad. I was sad when they died. Now we have turtles instead and they are still alive. They are my favorite pets over the turtles and fish.