Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Brother Sam is Dead

In the story, Sam joins the American Revolutionary Army because he feels that the colonists are taxed unfairly by the British. His father thinks that fighting over taxes is not worth the lives that will be lost. Sam claims he is standing up for a principle. Write about a time you stood up for something you believe in. Describe what you did and how it made you feel.


Alyssa said...

Well one time I was with my friends fighting about the kickball court.And WE were fighting with some second graders and we were in third grade. So they were at the court first and we usually played on that court at first recces only . Cause We play somthing else at second recces. so we told them that they had to leave cause their was a smaller court like a little walk away. So like their like OK and we told them that they could play on the big cort at second recces.

Megana said...

I moved into Argonaut in third grade. My mom told me in the middle of the year that we might be moving back to Challenger and I didn't want to. I loved Argonaut and it was better to me than Challenger. My mom asked me if I wanted to and I said no. I liked my new school and didn't want to move. My mom wanted me to move back to Challenger because she had known the place longer and better but I told her I didn't want to go at all and it made me feel good that I got to stay and that she trusted my judgment.

Piper said...

There was one time when I was at theater camp and some girls were teasing this other little girl about how she played her part. I didn't like that. So I walked up to them and told them to stop it because the girl was crying. She was probably only six or seven. The girls eventually backed off and I asked the little girl what her name was. She said Sara. I told her that I loved the way she played her part and that she shouldn't let others intimidate her. After that, Sara was much more happy with the way she did things. It made me feel good to help someone else out, but it made me realize that sometimes it's good to take your own advice.

James said...

I remember this one time where I saw this kid giving one of my friends a hard time. I felt indignant that this nobody was picking on my friend. So I walked up and asked if there was a problem, but the nobody person ignored me. So I told him to back off or else. I didn't exactly specify what "else" was, but the kid got the message and left, probably to torture another kid. Just kidding. I was happy to have helped my friend, and he thanked me. I don't know what the nobody thought "else" was, But I'm sure glad it worked!

Megan said...

My friend was following a group of girls walking around one recess. Then one of the girls turned around and said some mean stuff to her because she didn't like her. I guess my friend felt pretty unhappy, so she walked off in another direction. I asked,"Why do you have to be so mean to her?" Then I ran to catch up with my friend. I shared my snack and talked with her to make her feel better. It made me feel proud to know that I had just helped to comfort a friend.

T r e v o r       said...

Last month for my birthday, I wanted a ds game(mario kart($29.99)). My sister thought that I should get something else instead, but I wouldn't agree with her, so we started to argue. I decided to just end it by asking her if I should just buy a wii instead and she said that it cost too much
($199.99). My point exactly. It ended with me getting mario kart for my birthday. It made me feel so happy that I played for a very long time.

Mary -_- said...

One time I wanted to get a cookie from Safeway when I was little. I told my dad and he said I won't buy you a cookie. I felt bad and I went to the Safeway counter. I asked to buy a cookie and they gave it to me for free, and that made me very happy.

Jordan said...

During Easter, when I was with my cousins playing basketball and I saw one of my cousins that was younger didn't have a ball. Then I gave him my basketball because all of my other cousins are taller and can rebound better then him. I was happy that he was happy.

Karena :P said...

When I was in third grade, I heard a girl bullying my best friend. I told the girl to go away, but she wouldn't. I finally got the girl to go away, and by that time my friend was crying. I told my friend that people do that when they are unhappy, and didn't mean a word of it, and she cheered up. I also told her that she was always nice to everyone, and she said thanks. It made me happy that my friend would be cheerful and consider the girl just unhappy. stand up for your friend is what friends do.

Micah said...

Once, while we were at church, I saw Audrey, my little sister, being left out by some kids that she wanted to play with. When I saw tht, I got mad and went over to the group and stopped themin what ever they were playing. They were all younger than me so I had power over them. I startedto ask them questions. After a few questions, they let Audrey in.(probably because they were scared) I was happy that I had stuck up for Audrey.

Ashritha!! said...

Well there was this one time when I was in Kindergarten at my old school and I heard a girl teasing my best friend and try to break her nose off. I quickly told her to move away and stand behind me and I did not want to let the girl know. I quickly went and played my hardest and basically tried to see what it felt to feel what my friend was going through. By then my friend had gotten a yard duty. I told her the whole story and then she told the girl that she had to go to the principal or if she refused, she has to be expelled. I then hugged my friend and told her that she was the best friend I had ever had in my whole life.

Tia :o said...

I was in my old school and I was with my best friends. There were a group of girls with only black and all my friends were like light brown or blond or even red hair.So, the group of girls came up to me because I had black hair. So one of the girls were picking on us so I told them off. So my best friends and I carried on with our day.

sophie said...

On time that I stood up for someone was when Sarah and I was on the play ground and Zackary was bullying Sarah and I stood up for her. It made me feel very stronng and powerful to do that,

Jessy > said...

When I was in second grade at my old school a new student was in my class and we quickly became friends. One day on the playground I noticed that a few third grade boys were bullying and making fun of her. I told the boys to back off even though they were all taller and stronger than me. They started teasing me too, so I chased them around the playground until they stopped teasing my friend and I. It felt good to stand up for someone and it made me feel happy that my friend was happy

Kavya said...

One time I was at clubhouse and someone (I don't remember who) was bullying a little kindergartener. I thought they were going to hurt him, so I pulled him away and told them what they were doing was wrong. Then the kid hugged me and ran away. It made me feel that I was reliable and responsible and could be counted on.

Derek ^______^ said...

One time, in 1st grade, my best friend was getting really annoyed by someone that was following him. My friend got really irritated and the person was being mean to him. I told him to stop following my friend and to never annoy him again. I guess he thought I was going to tell on him, but I didn't really know what to do if he didn't go away. Anyways, he went off and played with his own friends and my friend thanked me. I was just happy the guy went away, because he kind of annoyed me too.

Alvin said...

Once when I had to ask my brother to stop annoying me and he would'nt so I got him to go away and got my work done.

Sanjit said...

Well, one time I was at my old school when a mean kid was [of course] being mean to a little kid by teasing him about how bad he did in 4-square. My friends and I asked him what he was doing, and he pretended as if he did't hear us. So we started lecturing him in a stern tone as if we were about to tell on him. This trick worked. He immediately fled thinking that we were going to tell the teacher or maybe worse complain to the principal. Everything became normal again.

JTwas here said...

one time i had to stand up for some thing is when i got in trouble add it wasn't my fault. i had to stand up for some thing i knew was true. i was getting in trouble for looking like i was hurting another kid. i was just standing next to them. i told the staff that i had just been standing next to them and told them the story and was let go. i was kind of scared I've never stud up to some one like that, i was in 1st grade though.

Arthi said...

When my dad made me go to this camp where we had to pray every morning and i didn't want to because i had plans with my friends. I finally convinced him that i didn't need to go

Arthi said...

Once when my dad made me go to this camp for people who wanted to become more religious. I didn't want to because I had plans with my friends and wanted to relax over my spring break. I finally convinced him that i didn't need to go and had a fun filled spring.

Jacqui said...

When i got my turtles, Ticoe and Pomme, I was really happy. Then, later that year i got two puppies named Chet and Cody. It was hard to handle four pets at once while also having a busy schedule, but i eventually got used to all of my new responsibilities.

brennan said...

I stood up for having to be able to sit anywhere I want in lunch at Argonaut. People and I signed a piece of paper to tell that we could sit anywhere we want. It make me feel like I was making a freedom to the school. it felt very good to have done that.

neehar said...
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Jacqui said...

One time My sister got in trouble for doing something she didn't do. I thought it was okay because I've gotten in trouble before. But, then I realized my parents were not letting her go on a trip that she had been looking forward to for a long time. Then, I told my parents that my sister didn't do it, and they believed me. It felt good to help my sister.

Joy said...

A situation in which I had to take on important responsibilities was when I was babysitting my cousin who was 2 years old and couldn't do things properly yet.She wanted me to do everything for her that she could do and couldn't do. I felt really grown up because my aunt wanted me to babysit her instead of my other cousins who were older than me.

Kevin said...

One day I found this Bully that was messing with this kid and he was pushing him and punching him and when I walked by I saw the bully starting to get very angry at the kid so I quickly started running for an adult for help, then when the adult came to the place it was actually the kids mom. Then the kids mom told the bully to stop and then the bully stopped.

neehar said...

Once in my old school when I was going down the slide I saw a kid pushing another kid on the monkey bars and telling him to go faster. After I saw this I told the kid to stop and wait his turn but then he said to shut up. Then I went and got a teacher and when he told him to stop he stopped.