Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Brother Sam is Dead - Responsibility

In the story, Tim has to take on important responsibilities while his father and older brother are absent. He helps his mother run the tavern and make decisions concerning the farm. Write about a situation in which you had to take on important responsibilities. Describe what you did and how you felt about the situation.


Ab= Alyssa Boldt said...

Well, one time there was this little boy and my friend and I were taking care of him. His parents were away so he went wild we were chasing him around the house trying to catch him. When we caught him he was struggling to get free and we told him to calm down or else he has to go to his room. But he kept running and we were to tired to catch him so we sat on the couch and we found him in the dining room sleeping. I felt exhausted and tired wondering what it would be actually like to put up with a kid his age 24 hours a day.

Unknown said...

Once I was skiing with my friend and his little sister plus anther girl. Since it was on one of the harder courses, well it was harder.
So we were there skiing and ten all of a sudden, my friend's little
sister slips and fall. I called my friend but he was know where to be seen. So then I had to help her up. It ws pretty hard but I was able to help her up.I was happy that I had stayed with he and had not gone with my friend.

Megana said...

The first time I got my dog, Roxy, my parents expected me and my sister to do absolutely everything for her and they had to do nothing. It was hard work, she was small and just got separated from her family so we had to feed her, wash her, play with her, keep on petting her, clean up after her, and comfort her whenever she got sad or got a shot. I was getting tired of all the hard work and finally realized what it was like for my parents. I became a lot more responsible and now, I am able to and do handle two dogs! The experience was hard but made me smarter and was a lot of fun!!!

Joy Ong said...

The first time I came to California, I asked my mom whether I could have my own room. My mother said no, because she thought that I couldn't handle it. She told me that I had to show her the responsibilities to be clean, neat,and tidy. Finally, she said that I could have my own room in Costa Rica when we moved in May this year before the school ends.

Derek =_______= said...

During summer break, I was with my brother at home by ourselves for the whole break. I had to be responsible to do all my work, clean my room, finish my chores, and walk to Togo's with my brother(that was the only fun thing I had to do). Although these chores weren't exactly fun, I didn't groan or anything like Tim did when he was a child. I felt responsible after I finished everything and I could finally relax and do whatever I wanted.

Kavya the Awesome said...

When my family and I got our bunny, Cc, we all thought that it would be easy. Just feed her and play with her. Well, we were wrong. Cc is a lot of responsibility and it was tough. We have to try to feed her in the morning and night, cut her nails every once in a while, clean her cage, clean up after her, play with her, and and take good care of her by taking her to the vet and not to over or under feed her. At one point, my mom thought Cc was so much work that she thought it would be a good idea to return her. My sister and I loved Cc and really wanted to keep her. Then we each agreed that we would take care of Cc no matter what. So my sister and I started really doing our jobs well. It made me feel that Cc can rely on me and that I am responsible. One thing's for sure: Cc's not going back to that pet shop.

梁逸昕(Trevor) said...

My mom had once told me that I had to get the mail after school from then on because no one else would do it except for her, but she had other stuff to do. One day, I forgot to get the mail. Apparently, some of the mail was for me. Now I get the mail every day and I check on Sundays if I forgot the mail the previous days because on Sunday, they don't deliver any mail. I get excited when there's mail for me unless it's about something that I don't understand and only my mom or dad understands what it's about.

Megan said...

Once I had to help my baby sitter babysit my siblings. My parents had gone out for dinner. The baby sitter had trouble watching all of my siblings. I also had to translate Cantonese to my baby sitter because she doesn't understand English, and my siblings only want to speak English. To me, it was a lot of responsibility because my siblings were always very active, loud and noisy. I had to get almost everything they wanted or needed. When my parents came home, I felt tired but happy I could help out. One more thing, I am never going to babysit my siblings ever again!

郭證賢 (James) said...

I remember when I was doing some spring-skiing(snowboarding, obviously)at Alpine Meadows, the top chairlift was closed-due to high winds. Nevertheless, we went to the highest chairlift that was open and trekked all the way to the closed chairlift. Boy, the winds must have been at around 70-80 mph, no joke. When we went behind a building to escape the winds and put our boots on we saw a ski-patrol man. I thought we were in for it, but all he said was, " this is a h*** of a thing!" and left. I just shrugged and started walking toward the slope. When we entered a funnel-like chute the winds were about 100-120 mph, so strong that we had to hold each others' arms, crouch down, and move at a snail's pace. My responsibility was to make sure we didn't fly (literally) over to the other side of the slope. Wow, was it a responsibility!

JTwas here said...

the first tine i was home alone i got scarred my mom said she'd be home in 15 min. i had to watch for the puppies and my sister. i thought it would be hard. it seemed to be easy though. when my mom came home i told her i had a fun time.

Arthi Iyer said...

Once when I was 6 years old, my mother went to India for 2 months because she had to take care of her parents. My sister and I had out help out a lot around the house. Although we had our dad for help, he wasn't much of a cook then and we had to make several meals by ourselves. That might not seem like much now, but for a 6 year old that was a lot. And it was also hard because my dad works late hours in Palo Alto. So he couldn't pick us up from school on time.

Tia said...

Once in first grade my mom and dad said they would get me a dog. So they got me a chihuahua. She was a cream colored and with light blue eyes. She also had a light pink nose. My mom said its big responsibilty to take care of her. I would feed her, sleep with her, and take her out to the bathroom out were the grass was. It was big for me. I would think that was one of the biggest responsibilty I every did.

Mary -_- $ said...

Once I was put in charge of the sprinkling system for the neighbor's lawn and I had to go there in the early morning and sit in the cold morning for an hour after pressing all the buttons. I thought it was annoying and a waste of time, but in the end, it was worth it because I got a money.

Karena ^_^ said...

One day, my neighbor came to our house and asked if I wanted a job. I said yes, because it would be a nice thing to do. For four months, once or twice a week,I had to take care of my neighbor's dog. I had to prepare his meals, make the dog walk(pretty hard to do), and pick up all its waste for some money. It wasn't that bad, because the dog didn't have very much waste, and ran when he saw a treat. Taking care of a dog was harder than I thought, but I did get money.

*Ashritha*!!! said...

When I got my puppy Sammy, I needed to help my mom take care of him because she had a lot of work to do. Although my sister was there to help, she had to do a lot of homework. My dad was too scared to help me so basically I had to take him out to the bathroom and then give him dinner and wake up every 2 hours to take him out.
It was a lot of hard work for me and my family, but we managed to train him through his puppy stage into his lovely teenagehood.

Jordan said...

When we got our two turtles I was in preschool, but when I got to second grade I had to feed them two times a day and my brother had to clean the turtle tank. It was a lot of work before but now it isn't to much work, open the tank and put food in. It took along time to get use to it but it was fun watch the turtles eat.

Ashritha said...

When I first got my puppy Sammy, I knew I had a lot of work to do. My mom was too busy while my dad was too scared. I had to wake up every 2 hours and take him out for bathroom time. My mom said that she wanted me and my sister to bond with him since she had already bonded with him. So I basically did these things and really bonded with him. I gave him food and played with him outside. Once in a while he bit me in teething stage so I screamed.
After this , this responsibility was hard for my family for the first couple of weeks but we managed to get him into his lovely teenagehood and almost adulthood.

संजित (Sanjit) said...

One time, I was at a mini-mart when I saw a little kid stuffing candy bars in his sweatshirt pocket. He must've hidden about a dozen in his pockets. I could have ignored this and pretended like I didn't see anything. But I decided to tell the mini-mart cashier. The kid got in trouble and the candy was returned. I felt great about doing the right thing.

Jessy said...

One time my aunt and uncle went out to a country club to play tennis leaving my cousin with my sister and me. She claimed to have a lot of homework and went to her room. My cousin was still five and she quickly became bored. I had to do her every bidding until my mom came back.

alvin said...

One time when my mom and my brothers where gone and my father was asleep. I had to take care of my self. It relates because i had to take care of myself.

Piper said...

When my sister got her knee surgery, there was a lot of stuff that needed to be done at our house. We had to take care of the puppy, help her walk around, fix dinner, do laundry, wash the dishes, and other chores. It was pretty crazy around our house for a while and everyone had several responsibilities. Mine were taking care of Indie and getting my sister anything she needed. I felt bad for my sister because she couldn't play soccer, but I also felt really good that I was helping out the family in taking on important responsibilities.

Jacqui said...

When I got my turtles, Ticoe and Pomme, I was really happy. Then, later that year I got two puppies named Chet and Cody. It was hard to handle four pets at once while also having a busy schedule, but I eventually got used to all of my new responsibilities.

brennan said...
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sophie said...
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Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

One time I had two turtles, then I got a dog named Maximilian. A few more months past with Maximilian and my two turtles. At that moment I realized that having three pets is a hard job feeding, taking a bath, and cleaning up poop. So I realized having 1 pet is already enough.

Sophie said...

One time when I had my phone and my sister and I had a game and my mom had to run to do something and left me to bring Ella to her game, go to mine, and then i would call her. So we go there, I brought Ella to her game and then called her. doing that made me fell responsible and in charge.

brennan said...

I had a new responsibility to take care of the dog I got. I was happy I got my dog. My dad said that I had to take care of my dog cause I wanted it. I had to stick this responsibility in my busy schedule. Then I realized that it was a hard thing to raise a dog.

Sophie said...

one time when had just got my phone, I had to got to my game. The only problem was that I had to bring my little sister to her game before me because my mom had to go to starbucks . So I dropped my sister off at her game, then went to mine, and called my mom. Doing that made me feel important and proud.