Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?

Compare Paul Revere's busy schedule with your own. Do you like to do many different things? Do you prefer to have just a few activities? Why?


Ashritha said...

I like to have just a few activities because if I went out on too many things like Paul Revere did, I would not have time to do anything else like studying for a very important test or practice for a talent show that you are in. You would also not have time to interact with your friends and spend time with your kids as a family. You would not get get to go on any other family trips because you will already be involved in something else that is more important than your family vacation.
That is why I prefer just to have a few activities.

Joy said...

I don't like to do many different things because sometimes I might forget what time it starts and don't have the right materials that I need for the job.I just prefer to have a few activities. If I went out to do all the different jobs like Paul Revere did,I would not have enough time to do other things, such as doing my homework and book reports. You would also not have enough time to spend time with your kids and family.Some families like to go on vacation or even just take a day trip to maybe,San Francisco. You wouldn't want work to be more important than spending time with your family and friends.That's why I prefer to have a few activities.

Unknown said...

I would perfer a few activities. Then I would have more time to do homework, bookreports, and other stuff. Also I could study for big tests, lttle tests, and all sorts of tests.You cold also do your favorite hobbies. It would also take away famaly time. Where you would do something with your family. That is why I would prefer to have few activities.

Lou said...

I prefer to do many activities because then I keep busy. Many kids who are involved in a little amount of activities are normally, yes, the ones who have more time to study, but also the ones who are more involved in tv and not as fit as others. I myself love doing lots of activities because when you get older you may not have time to do those activities. Also many adults have told me it is better to learn young so when you get older you already know how. People might think that kids who do many activities aren't as likely to get into good high schools and colleges. Well, that's not true because if you are involved with activities, some of them might look good on a high school or college application.

Kevin said...

For activities I have sports, piano, and clarinet. The activities Paul Revere had,had way more activities to do than I do because he has to do silversmithing and blacksmithing and other activities. I prefer to have more actvities because if I have more activities than I get to learn more. After I have learned all of the activities than I can do a demonstration on how to the the sport or instrument to my relatives. So thats why I think that I should have more activities.

mary said...

My sceadual is not like Paul's sceadual because I don't do many activities to do. I'd prefure a not buisy sceadual because don't like to go back and forth frequently and usualy it costs money to go to many different places. Another reson is that I have to do homewoork, book talks, and books needed to be read and with a buisy scuadual I won't be able to do thoose things. Also I get car sick very easly and somtimes. Most of the time you have to use a veachile to go to many different places in your scedual and I get motion sick very easly. Also I prefure to rest and sleep instead of stand and do activities that may be useless in the future, and that would be a waste of time, effort, and money.

Trevor® said...

Paul revere's schedule is packed, while my schedule only consists of my homework and playing the piano.I normally don't want to do so much things, unless they're fun. I prefer to have a few activities because I like to play or do some games. I also like to read books or search up stuff on Google®.

PIPER said...

I prefer to not have many things on my schedule. It is fun to once and a while do things every day after school, but other then that I just like to relax and do homework. I have done plays before that practice every day. It's fun and interesting but after that, I just like to have a break. I like this because it gives me time to hang out with friends, study, play guitar, play with my puppy, watch the olympics and many other things. My life is very different from Paul Revers.

James said...

Compared to me, Paul Revere was a superman in things to do. I have some activities such as homework, going to my tree-house and the park, doing piano, and going to my cabin for snowboarding, just to name a few. I like having a lot of things to do, because once I finish one thing, I always have something to do... sort of like Paul Revere.

Tia said...

Most of the activites do is with my friends or family.I also like to do my favorite hobbies such as my scooter. Also I spend most of my time on YOUTUBE or MINICLIP.Also alot I play with my little sister, Sophia. But also I wouldnt think my life is like Paul Revere

Jessy said...

I would prefer to have fewer activities on my schedule so I can do my homework and work on projects for other classes. I could also use my free time to do something fun with my family.I would consider myself busy because I have swim practice, Chinese school, regular school, art, and tennis practice.I could use my free time for something educational like studying for a test.Hobbies are important to me too.Paul Revere's life was far busier than mine. I would die of exhaustion if I lived his life.

Jordan said...

Paul Revere had a ton of activates. I don't have close to the amount activities he had. He had stuff planed all the time. I don't have many things on my schedule. I have school, homework, tenor saxophone, basketball, and baseball. He probably didn't do have to practice tenor saxophone, basketball, and baseball, but had other stuff like a job. I don't like having many things on my schedule. I like having free time during the day.

Derek )>^.^)> said...

I don't have many activities, but if I was as busy as Paul Revere was, then I won't have time for more important things like homework. I am not very busy because I only have chinese school, normal school, and piano lessons. I like having free time because I can spend it finishing homework or projects ahead of time, by reading, by playing games, or running on the treadmill/riding the upright bike. If I was Paul Revere, I wouldn't have time to do any of those things and I would have to be riding as an express rider, ringing the bell, silversmithing, and making artificial teeth. That is why I'm happy I'm not like Paul Revere.

Karena said...

Paul Revere's schedule was very busy. Compared to mine, I do almost nothing compared to what he does. I have two enrichment classes, piano practice, Chinese school, and other enrichment. I would prefer to have many activities because I would not waste time. Also, I can get many things accomplished when I concentrate. I would like to have many activities in my schedule.

sophie said...

If I were to compare my schdule with Paul Revere's schudule I would think that mine would be the busier schdule because I do different thinings in my life at different times and that I LOVE to do different things to get fitt or stay healthy or even to get a better grade. but other people think that it is a waist of time but I like to try new things every day.

Megan :putnam: said...

Paul Revere has a busy schedule, unlike mine. I don't like to do many different activities. I just sort of stick to two or three things like art, badminton classes, and Chinese school and live with it. For me, a couple of activities would be good because then i have sometime to help my mom, spend time with family, and do homework. I'm glad I'm not Paul Revere.

Kavya said...

I'd prefer to have just a few activities. For me a busy schedule would be hard. I'm usually behind on a lot of things. My schedule is simple:just do what you think you have to do. I would not want to have to have a lot of things to do, or make. Or even lots of places to be. I would like a simple schedule UNLIKE Paul Revere"s.

Sanjit said...

Paul Revere's schedule was packed with lots of things to do every day. I like to keep my schedule simple by having little or no things to do. By doing this, I can do fun activities instead of work,work,work.I can also fit in time for the little homework and reports that I have. Paul Revere was definitely busier than I am now.

Megana said...

I like to have a lot of activities just like Paul Revere. I like to do one thing for a longer time while Paul Revere liked to do many new things to keep him busy. His schedule was mostly based on his job while mine consists of more things that don't relate to my work.

Arthi said...

my schedule is much like Paul reveres because I am always busy. I am unlike Paul Revere because I prefer to do few things but do them well. Paul Revere did many things and almost never sat down. When he did he would doodle or write in his journal.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer to have a non-busy schedule because I will have time to do other activities.
Paul Revere has a work related schedule that is blocked up.My schedule is busy on different days.Such as Fridays;Fridays I have have two dance classes ,basket ball practice, appointments (sometimes) and usually I have to drive with my mom to pick up my brother and take him places. Tuesday I usually don't have any thing that is why I do a lot of my homework on Mondays so I can relax on Tuesdays.

Alvin -_- said...

No, idont like to do many other things. I like to have few activities because then I can do other stuff like sleep and have more time for homework and other stuff. So i prefer to do few activities for other stuff.