Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Give It All You've Got

Why do you think the stories of Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all belong in the theme titled Give It All You've Got? What qualities do they share? Use examples from the stories to support your opinion.


Anonymous said...

I think all of these stories come together under on title "Give it all you've got" because all of the stories are about people who don't let fear, discrimination, and risks rule their lives. They try their hardest until they succeed in whatever they do. For example, in Mae Jemison, she is an African-American woman and back then they didn't have much support for their dreams. Mae gave it all she'd got and she got what she'd striven for. Michelle Kwan had to work long hours and she wasn't great to start but she worked hard and became a great skater. Everybody has to overcome fears to achieve their goals and that is why these people came under these titles, for their determination and love for what they do, when they can't get any more.

JT said...

I think all those stories are there because they all pretty much gave it all they had. they all worked for what they wanted and they got it. the qualities where very good and it took long hours to get there. May never gave up her dream, Michelle trained and trained, Doug pushed him self in tell he got past the fear place, and Manuel got over his Fear of stage fright.

Ashritha said...

I think these stories have the title "Give it all you've got and come together is because they never give up and put their heart into it to get better! They follow this motto "If you don't succeed at first, try, try again!
Like Mae Jemison, she was an African American and back then black skinned people could not do as much as the white people could do. But she never gave up and finally got what she had always wanted to do in her dreams.
Michelle Kwan had to put hours into her tough practice because her teacher thought that if she did anything at that point she would fail. So Michelle did whatever she could to please her teacher and finally became a very famous skater
Everybody has to overcome their fears and achieve their goals at one point!
That is why these people came under the title, because of their hard work and determination but mostly the effort they put into it and they had the drive to strive for what they wanted!

Tia said...

I would think all those storys mean to do your dream and keep trying til you win! All those people were nothing and then they followed thier dream and it became true. It may have taken long hour for MICHELLE KWAN but, she still won. MAE JEMISON wanted become something better that a slave. DOUG GRILLO got rid of his fear. Last MANUEL GOMEZ had stage fright but he still got there. All there dreams became true

Piper said...

These stories all have the title give it all you've got because the people that the stories are about all have a few things in common. First of all, each person worked hard to achieve their goal. Secondly, all of them had to overcome something to reach their dream. In Mae Jemison's story, she couldn't let other's limited imaginations discourage her. In Michelle Quan's story, she had to get passed being so young and a great ice skater. And in Doug's, he has to conjure up enough courage to get passed his Fear Place.

Jacqui said...

I think the stories of Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all fit under the title of Give It All You Got because they all had to push through difficult obstacles in order to follow their dreams.
In the book about Michelle Kwan It said that she was a pro skater when she was 15. Her coach got really mad at her because he told her not to. that is the truly significant thing about all these people, when they got in trouble they didn't let that get them sad or down. They used it as more stamina to prove the person wrong.
Also all these people turned out a person who made the history books. But like Mae said in her biography,"I didn't care about the history books, right then all I cared about was being closer to the stars than I ever imagined."
I think all the people in this theme deserve to have a spot in it because they were remarkable and inspiring people that had to work hard to earn a spot in the history books.

Mary said...

I think they are under the same title because the worked hard and over came their fear to acheave their goal. All of them worked hard and in the end they got somthing they wanted. Michelle Kwan wanted to be an ice skater. She was one of the youngest proffeshinal ice skaters, but that didn't discurage her. In the end many people loved her skating. Mae Jemsion wanted to be an astronaut. Her teacher had a limited imagination and discuraged Mae, but she studied and worked realy hard and she became an astronaut. Doug Grillo was scared of heights and didn't want to save his brother, but he knew he had to so he climbed and eventally passed his "Fear Place". Finally Manual Gomez was scared of preforming on stage. He sung and practiced. Althought the record was scratched and he sang the same words over and over agien, everyone enjoyed it. I think that is why they all are in Give It All You Got because they gave it their all.

Alyssa said...

I think what they all had in common was that they were all very brave and worked hard for there goals. They had incredible Talent,amazing, courage and terrific goals and how they succeeded.
Also I thought those stories were amazing. I enjoy biographies and succeeding. I hope other people in the school or world enjoys this selection of books as much as I did

Karena said...

The stories of Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez belong in the theme "Give It All You've Got" because they all achieved their dream or goal by giving it all they've got. For example, Mae Jemison had to work extremely hard for 36 years in order to fulfill her dream, going to space. Michelle Kwan worked six hours a day in order to accomplish her lifelong goal, becoming a professional in ice skating. Doug Grillo had to overcome his fear of mountain climbing in order to save his brother, Gordon from falling off a cliff. When Manuel Gomez accidently broke his CD for the concert, he gave it all he got and acted like he meant to sing one phrase over and over again. In this way, they all were similar because they were persistent, eager, courageous, and bright. Mae Jemison and Michelle Kwan both were hardworking and persistent, while Doug Grillo overcame his fear, and Manuel Gomez pretended he pretended he meant to sing the same phrase over and over again. All of them belong under "Give It All You've Got."

Megan said...

I think they all belong to the same theme because they tried their best and worked hard. Mae Jemison wasn't discouraged to follow her dream to become an astronaut just because she was an African American. She worked hard and was finally chosen by NASA. Michelle Kwan didn't give up ice skating. She also worked hard and became a good figure skater. Doug Grillo overcame his fear at the fear place by trying his best to get over it. Manuel Gomez practiced and practiced for the talent show and he received a big applause. These are the reasons why i think they go under the same title.

Trevor said...

I think the stories of Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all belong in the theme titled "Give It All You've Got" because they all do their best. Mae Jemison had to train for about five years. She had been very patient, and she had never gave up. She received what she deserved to become the first African-American to go in space. Michelle Qwan would not stop from skating. she did her best, and in the end she was rewarded with medals and trophies. Doug Grillo beleived in himself to go up the mountain. When hegot to the narrow ledge, he tried to keep his mind off of falling down. Manuel Gomez repeated the words when the record got stuck. He got a little embarressed, but when everebody thought it was funny and done on purpose, Manuel pretended it was done on purpose. He had to be very clever to do that. Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all did their best, and they never gave up.

micah :P said...

Mae Jemison and Michelle Kwan never gave up their own dreams. They studiead and worked hard. Somtimes, people were not as encouraging as other people, But that didn't stop them from acheiving their goals. Doug Grillo and Manuel Gomez had to summon enough courage to do stuff that they feared. Douga to have enough courage to get past his fear place. Manuel had to keep a reapeting a frase. That is why I think all those people deserve to be under Give It all you've Got.

Derek ^.^ said...

I think it is called "Give It All You've Got" because they all pushed themselves to the limit and worked hard and followed their dreams. Mae didn't let racism get to her. She tried her best and got accepted into NASA. Manuel Gomez tried his best to ignore his stage fright. Doug overcame his fear and rescued his brother. Michelle Kwan never gave up her dream of ice skating. She worked hard and often saw her coach. She became a great figure skater. All four of them never gave up.

Megana :) said...

Give It All You've Got is all about people who go through all the pain and don't give up until they reach their goals. Doug had a difficulty with the fear place but he overcame it with all the courage he had. Manuel got over his stage frightand Michelle worked long and hard through all of her obstacles to become as good as she is today. All of these people took their time to do something they new they could do and finally did it and that is why the title is "Give it all you've got!"

Alvin said...

I think the stories Give It All You've Got is that they all tried hard to fullfil their dreams and to never give up. Their qualities they share are they all tried hard to what they had to do. They never gave up their dreams and kept going. When Mae Jemison said to her teacher,"I am going to be a scientist then i grow up". When Doug had to overcome his fear to get to his family. Manuel went on stage and was nervous and his record he was pantomiming was scratched but everyone liked it and he just started to dance. Michelle Kwan was inspired by her parents and she didnt give up on her dream.

Sanjit said...

The four stories are about trying to achieve your goal, and no matter what happens, to never give up. Mae Jemison had a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut and going into space. At that time there were no African-American woman astronauts, but this did not stop Mae Jemison from achieving her goal. Michelle Kwan's goal was to become a top-level skater, and get into the Olympics. In spite of her body aching everywhere, she kept practicing long hours till she achieved her goal. Manuel Gomez had a dream to be in the limelight and recieve a wild applause from the audience. When he was performing in the talent show, he initially was doing made up dance moves, but seeing the audiences boredom, he switched to a fancy dance step which resulted in applause and screams. Doug Grillo's goal is to pass his fear place, the narrow ledge six-hundred feet above a canyon, and get to Gordon. While climbing the narrow ledge, every time he felt fearful, he redirected his thoughts into something positive, and finally reached Gordon.

Brennan :) said...

I think the stories of Mae Jemsion, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all belong in the theme title "Give it all You Got" because they all had to do with never give up. The qualities the stories shared was the main characters tried their best. Like in Doug Grillo hiked up the mountain with all his courage. Manuel Gomez did his show and was embarrass of his show but got over it. Michelle Kwan tried her best to be so good at ice skating, and how Mae Jemison worked hard and made her dream come true. That's why the theme name for these story is "Give it all you Got".

Kavya :D said...

All the four stories in give it all you got are about people who never gave up. Manuel overcame stage fright. Doug overcame his fear of the fear place. Mae Jemison never gave up and did whatever she could to be an astronaut. Michelle kept going to higher and higher levels to keep up her talent. She never stopped trying. All of these people worked their way up to success. All of them "Gave it all they Got"!

Kevin said...

In the stories Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Manual Gomez, and Doug Grillo was in "give it all youve got" because all of them had to get to their goals and go through tons of hard work and tons of practice. Michelle Kwan's goal was to be an advanced skater, and be in the Olypics. Manual Gomez's goal was to perform on the talent show and be aplaused by the audience under the limelight. Mae Jemison's goal was to be an astronaut and going into space. Doug Grillo's goal was to find his brother Gordon on a 600ft. high canyon on a very narrow path to go up the canyon.

Joy said...

I think the stories of Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all belong in the theme titled Give it all you've got, because they all worked hard to achieve their goals or did something that they were afraid of. For example Mae Jemison worked for more than 35 years to get to be in a space shuttle. Michelle Kwan worked for 6 years to acomplish her goal. Doug Grillo overcame his fear when he set out looking for his brother. Manual Gomez broke his C.D, so he sang the verse over and over again. That's why I think Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all belong in the theme titled Give it all you've got.

James said...

The stories of Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all belong in the theme titled "Give It All You've Got" because they all worked hard, never gave up, and made their own paths. Even if something went wrong, such as when Manuel's record got stuck in front of the whole audience. He still just went with it! Also, in the story, Michelle Kwan admitted that as she worked hard as a girl, she faced hardships, but she went on and kept practicing. So look where she is now. That is why I think that the people in all of those stories belong in the theme titled "Give It All You've Got".

Jordan said...

All of the stories are about people who worked hard to get an in important goal. For Mae Jemison and Michelle Kwan it took them years and it took a day for Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez. Mae Jemison didn't get discouraged when all the astronauts were white and men. Michelle Kwan kept on practicing ice-skating. Manuel Gomez also practiced hard. Doug Grillo fought his fear of heights and flowed Charlie. I think Mae Jemison, Michelle Kwan, Doug Grillo, and Manuel Gomez all fit in this category.

Arthi said...

I think they all belong in the title "Give it all you've got" because they didn't let fear, discrimination, or other people's thoughts slow them down. They were determined enough to follow their childhood dreams without hesitation. In Mae Jemison's case, she worked hard to fulfill her childhood dreams, first to become a doctor, then to see space. Later in life, she became the first black woman to travel in space. Her parents were very encouraging to her. You need a certain amount of encouragement to have confidence in yourself.

sophie said...

I think that they all work with the title "give it all you got" because they all followed there dreams like Mae Jemison, she wanted to be a scienctist but her teacher disagreed but later in life she got the job of being an astronaut.